Which sets are finite? Which sets are infinite? Which sets are empty? (1) {x | x + 1 = 0} (2) {x | X2 (the square of x) + 1 = 0} (3) {(x,y)|x=y} (4){x|-5≤x<0}

Which sets are finite? Which sets are infinite? Which sets are empty? (1) {x | x + 1 = 0} (2) {x | X2 (the square of x) + 1 = 0} (3) {(x,y)|x=y} (4){x|-5≤x<0}

(1) Only one number in the set of {x | x + 1 = 0} finite sets satisfies x = - 1
)The {x | X2 (the square of x) + 1 = 0} empty set X & sup2; cannot be negative, there is no number in the set
The infinite set {(x, y) | x = y} (4) {x | - 5 ≤ x < 0 has innumerable groups satisfying
(4) The finite set {x | - 5 ≤ x < 0} contains all real numbers from - 5 to 0

As shown in the figure, it is a square with side length of 6cm. E and F are the midpoint of CD and BC respectively

S Square = 6 × 6 = 36 (square centimeter), efbd = ofod = oeob = 0.5, s (OEF) s (ODE) = 0.5, because s (OEF) + s (ODE) = s (DEF) = 0.5s (CDF) = s (CEF) = 4.5 (square centimeter), s (EOF) = 13s (DEF) = 1.5 (square centimeter), s blank = s (DEF) + s (BCE) - S (

Master, help me solve a math problem!

As shown in the picture, there are 8 coins, 5 horizontally and 4 vertically
Please, OK, with a reward!

It should be OK to move one of the back four pieces horizontally to coincide with the coin in the lower left corner
At least the title doesn't say it can't overlap~

Some problems of seeking help from Ma Zhe
1. Matter and consciousness are interdependent and inseparable
2. Correct thought is the reflection of material, wrong thought is purely subjective
3. People's consciousness can directly affect the development of external things
4. People can transform the objective world and the objective law
5. Change is development, and development is change
6. Substance is concrete things that can be seen and touched
7. Materialist dialectics is the school of philosophy that admits development and change
8. The two great discoveries of Marx's life are surplus value and dialectical materialism
In the history of philosophy, there has always been a struggle between historical materialism and idealism

Wrong, consciousness depends on material, material does not depend on consciousness. Wrong thoughts are not always subjective, sometimes caused by objective phenomena, because objective phenomena are true and false. Wrong, human consciousness can only act on external things through practice, and consciousness can not directly act on external things. Wrong, although the law is

The relationship between the use value and the value of goods is ()
A. What is valuable is not necessarily valuable
B. What has no value has no use value
C. If there is no use value, there will be no value
D. What has no use value may also have value

First of all, theoretically clarify the relationship between the two. The relationship between use value and value includes two aspects which are both opposite and unified. 1. From the perspective of human beings, the use value and value of goods are opposite to each other

The relationship between the use value and the value of goods is ()

The relationship between the use value and the value of goods: 1. They are in the unity of goods, interdependent and indivisible. 2. The use value is the material bearer of value. 3. Under certain conditions (successful exchange of goods), the use value can be transformed into value. Differences: 1. The meaning of the two is different. 2. The use value is the business value

10. The relationship between the use value and the value of goods is ()
Multiple choice questions
A. Use value and value are the two attributes of goods. B. use value is the material bearer of value
C. Articles of value must have value D. articles of value must have value
E. Value lies in use value

C air has value, but it is not used for exchange and has no value

The relationship between capital turnover speed and surplus value

The speed of capital turnover has a great influence on the production of surplus value. 1. It affects the amount of capital prepaid. If the speed of capital turnover is several times faster, its effect is equivalent to increasing the amount of capital several times. Therefore, as long as the speed of capital turnover is accelerated, it can replace the increase of capital and play the role of saving prepaid capital. 2. It affects the production of surplus value

A question about how to improve the surplus value of Ma Zhe's capital!
On the question of the organic composition of capital: "with the growth of capital accumulation and the expansion of total capital, in the form of value, the part of constant capital is increasing, and the proportion of variable capital in total capital is decreasing..." why the improvement of the organic composition of capital is to pursue the surplus value? The surplus value is created by variable capital, But the variable capital is less, and the surplus value is less. Why does it increase the surplus value

Think about it, my friend. When you open a spicy hot pot, your constant capital is the tables, chairs, bowls and chopsticks in the room. The variable capital is the money you buy vegetables every day, and the surplus value is the one or two hundred yuan you earn every day. Then one day, the original accumulation of assets is enough. You invest millions to open a restaurant, but what you sell every day is nothing more than

The production process of surplus value is as follows

In reality, capitalists sometimes make money and sometimes lose money, some make money and some lose money. Generally speaking, they still make more money. So, where do they make money from? To understand this problem, the key is to understand the capitalist production process. The capitalist production process has two characteristics, one is the material material resources