Given that the ninth power of the third power (2m-5) a of (- 3a) is opposite to each other, find the nth power of half m-2n

Given that the ninth power of the third power (2m-5) a of (- 3a) is opposite to each other, find the nth power of half m-2n

[(- 3a to the nth power) and (2m-5) a to the nineth power are opposite numbers to each other, find the nth power of half m-2n]
(-3a^n)^3+(2m-5)a^9 = 0
-27a^(3n) + (2m-5)a^9 = 0
27a^(3n) = (2m-5)a^9
27 = 2m-5,3n=9
m = 16,n = 3
[ (m-2n)/2 ] ^n = [ (16-2×3) /2 ]^3 = 5^3 = 125

1. If the power a of 10 is 5 and the power B of 10 is 6, find the power 3a of 10 × the power 2n of 10
2. The third power of a × the third power of a - (the third power of a) + the sixth power of 4A - the fourth power of a × the second power of a=
3. If we know that the m power of 10 is 2 and the n power of 10 is 3, then the 3M power of 10 × the 2n power of 10=
4. If the cubic power of 64 × 8 is known to be the x power of 2, then X=


If a


The mark of the beam in the structural drawing is H + 0.650 KL-1 (1) (600 * 900). What does it mean? How to calculate the inclination of the beam? This is the beam in the basement

H is the structural elevation, + 0.65 is KL-1, 0.65M higher than the structural elevation, 0.9-0.65 = 0.25, that is, 0.25m below the structural elevation of KL-1

The difference between total value and total price in high school politics

In the calculation of economic life, some problems involve, sometimes consistent, sometimes inconsistent, or the law of value
Total value = unit commodity value × commodity quantity
Total price = unit commodity price × commodity quantity

If wrong, please give a positive solution. Value is the basis and material bearer of use value

Use value is the basis of value and the material bearer

High school politics: the relationship between philosophical value and economic use value?
I'd like to ask about the relationship between the two

The value of philosophy and the value of economics are two fundamentally different categories in nature
1. The value of philosophy refers to a specific relationship between people's needs and the attributes of things, that is, the positive significance of things to people. Generally speaking, it refers to the positive effect of things on people
2. The value of economics refers to the undifferentiated human labor condensed in commodities. It is the essential attribute of commodities
The value in philosophy represents a kind of relationship between subject and object, and it is the abstraction of the most general essence of value. The value of commodity is the only common thing left, which is the consumption of human physical and mental power, without the object of labor, the tools used, the ways and methods of production and other specific things, It means that commodity producers exchange labor with each other, that is, the economic relationship between people under the condition of commodity economy. (2) there are different criteria for judging the value. Philosophical value is the utility relationship between the subject and the object. Then, it is necessary to judge whether a thing has value, whether the value is large or small, Of course, it is necessary to consider the needs and interests of the subject. Because the needs and interests of the subject are different, facing the same object, different subjects will get different or even opposite value evaluation from different needs and interests. Therefore, the value evaluation in philosophy has obvious subjectivity. The value of goods is determined by the social necessary labor time to produce such goods, The value of a commodity and the price of the commodity determined by it are not determined by any individual's subjective will, so the value of a commodity obviously has the objectivity of certainty (under certain conditions)

Commodity value and use value
How to understand "use value is the material bearer of value"?

Use value refers to something that has a certain function and can meet people's needs. For example, water can quench thirst. Commodity value is the undifferentiated human labor (including physical labor and mental labor) condensed in commodities. That is to say, the production of this commodity consumes human labor

The relationship among use value, value and exchange value is (). A. without use value, there can be no value; B. with use value, there must be value
C. Both exchange value and value are the social attributes of commodities. D. both exchange value and value are the essential attributes of commodities. Please choose and analyze them

Use value is the natural attribute of an object; value is the input of labor; exchange value is the exchange of social goods with the amount of labor

Does politics have no value as long as it is not a commodity
As long as it's not a commodity, it must have no value. What's valuable must have use value?
Thank you. Give me a counterexample

To understand this problem, we must first clarify the concept of "value" in Marxist political economy. The value in Marxist political economy refers to the undifferentiated human labor condensed in commodities