A commodity is priced at 20% profit, and then sold at 20% discount, resulting in a loss of 64 yuan. How much is the cost of this commodity?

A commodity is priced at 20% profit, and then sold at 20% discount, resulting in a loss of 64 yuan. How much is the cost of this commodity?

Suppose the cost of this commodity is x yuan, then the price is (1 + 20%) x = 1.2x yuan, and the selling price is 80% × (1.2x) = 0.96x yuan

A commodity is priced at 20% of the profit, and then sold at 80% of the price, resulting in a loss of 40 yuan. How much is the cost of this commodity?
There should be a formula

Suppose the cost is x yuan
Then the pricing is based on 20% profit, which is x * (1 + 20%)
The price is 80% of the price, so the price is x * (1 + 20%) * 80%
Cost price = loss
So x-x * (1 + 20%) * 80% = 40
The solution is x = 1000 yuan
So the cost is 1000 yuan

A store sets the price according to 20% profit and then sells it according to 80% of the price. As a result, it loses 40 yuan. What is the cost of this commodity

Cost = 40 (1-120% × 80%) = 1000 yuan

The product is priced at 20% of the profit, and then sold at 80% of the price, resulting in a loss of 120 yuan. What is the cost of this product?

Price x, price y
The cost of this commodity is 3000 yuan

The left and right focuses of the ellipse x ^ 2 / A ^ 2 + y ^ 2 / b ^ 2 = 1 are F1F2, the two ends of the minor axis are a and B, and the quadrilateral f1af2b is a square with side length of 2
The equation of finding ellipse
2 if CD is the left and right end points of the major axis of the ellipse, the moving point m satisfies that the point multiplication vector CD of the vector MD is equal to 0, and the intersection ellipse of CM is connected to P. it is proved that the point multiplication vector op of the vector OM is a fixed value (o is the origin of the coordinate)
(3) Under the condition of (2), whether there is a fixed point Q on the x-axis which is different from the point C, so that the intersection point of the circular constant crossing line DP MQ with the diameter of MP exists, and if so, the coordinates of the point Q can be obtained

I have a problem with a math problem,
For any real number a, the value of (5-a) x2-6x + 1 is always positive. To find the value of X, my idea is to divide a into three categories: greater than, equal to and less than 0, which is not right. What's the problem with this idea?

I think we can use the image method
Let y = (5-a) x2-6x + 1
When the image passes through 0, 1, and then y = 0, X (a)
After drawing, because it is a parabola, the axis of symmetry can also be known as 6 / a-5
Then consider a-5 > 0, < 0 or = 0
I didn't give the answer. I think it should be. Time is running out

Who will come and explain the problem
Cut a cylinder with a radius of 4cm and a height of 10cm into a cuboid
What is the volume of this cuboid in cubic centimeter?

Constant volume s = 4 times 4 times 3.14 times 10 = 502.4 CC

Please explain or solve the following math problem!
A batch of parts, a alone 12 hours to complete, B do 60 per hour. Now AB two people cooperate, complete the task, AB two people production ratio is 3:2

Let the total number of parts be X
And a does a every hour
B need to do t hours
According to the meaning of the title
Let AB do a total of K hours
And AK / 60K = 3 / 2
Then k = x / (a + 60)
2 a = 648
2 = 432

The lower base of a trapezoid is 18 cm. If the lower base is shortened by 8 cm, it will become a parallelogram with an area reduced by 28 square cm. The height of the original trapezoid is______ Cm

According to the meaning of the title, the drawing is as follows: the bottom of the triangle is shortened by 8 cm, and the area of the triangle is reduced by 28 square cm according to the area. We can get: H = s 3 × 2 △ a = 28 × 2 △ 8 = 7 (CM); the height of the triangle is the height of the original trapezoid, so the height of the original trapezoid is 7 cm

It's similar to "you can run 7 / 30 kilometers with 14 / 15 liters of gasoline. How much gasoline can you use per kilometer and how many kilometers can you run with 1 / 15 liter of gasoline?" what other mathematical problems and calculation methods are there? Give more such problems and write answers and explanations

This kind of topic is very many, is also one of frequently tested questions!
For example: when Party A completes a project, it takes 2 / 3 hours to complete 4 / 5 of the project. Ask (1) what is the speed of Party A? (2) what percentage of the work can be completed in one hour? (3) how many hours does it take to complete the work?
1. The speed must be: total amount of work △ working time = 4 / 5 △ 2 / 3 = 6 / 5. You should be able to do it if the relationship between the amount is clear
2. This question is the same as the first one, but sometimes it's not the same as the first one. In fact, it's about speed
3. This question is opposite to the first question, but it can also be done with just thinking. Just after we have calculated the speed, we can use the total amount of time to calculate the speed, that is, the time is 1 / 6 / 5 = 5 / 6
Another example: two thirds of Xiaoming did 10 questions, asked (1) the speed of Xiaoming? Or how many questions does Xiaoming do in an hour?
(2) How many hours does it take Xiao Ming to do a topic?
Think about this topic by yourself. If you don't know how to ask me, I'll explain