A shopping mall bought back a batch of goods and priced them at a profit rate of 20%. Because of poor quality, they only sold them at 80% of the price, resulting in a loss of 160 yuan This is a five-star topic

A shopping mall bought back a batch of goods and priced them at a profit rate of 20%. Because of poor quality, they only sold them at 80% of the price, resulting in a loss of 160 yuan This is a five-star topic

If the cost is regarded as unit 1, the final price is 1 × (1 + 20%) × 80% = 0.96
The cost is 160 (1-0.96) = 4000 yuan

If a commodity is sold at 80% of the price (20% discount), it can still get 20% profit. If you ask about the expected profit margin in the pricing period, the answer is 50%. How do you explain that?

Suppose the cost price is x, then 80% of the price is x * (1 + 20%) = 1.2x, so the price is 1.2x/0.8 = 1.5x, the expected interest rate is 1.5x-x = 0.5x, and the profit margin is 0.5x/x = 50%

If a commodity is sold at 80% of the price, it can still get 30% profit. What is the expected profit margin
Better not use equations,

Pricing 1
Cost 80% * (1-30%) = 0.56
Expected gross profit rate = 1-0.56 / 1 = 0.44, i.e. 44%

What does 5.8 times 0.7 mean

5.8 times 0.7 means 70% of 5.8
5.8 times 0.7 means: 70% of 5.8
5.8 times 0.7 means that 7 pieces of 5.8 are divided into 10 parts on average
5.8 times 0.7 means: 0.7 5.8

7.5 times 0.08 means that:

7.5 times 0.08 is the product of two decimals

7.5 times 0.5 in English

Two ways of expression
seven point five times zero point five
seven point five multiplied by zero point five

10 times () = 3 / 5 times () = 1 and 3 / 7 times () = 0.25 times () = 1

10 times (1 / 10) = 3 / 5 times (5 / 3) = 1 and 3 / 7 times (7 / 10) = 0.25 times (4) = 1

23950.72 state the meaning of "2" in the following numbers

2395, 2 means two thousand, 2 * 1000 = 2000
0.72,2 means two 0.1,2 * 0.1 = 0.2
2 / 5,2 means two 1 / 5,2 * 1 / 5 = 2 / 5

Is the meaning of 0.3 × 7 the same as that of 7 × 0.3

The former means the number of 7 0.3, and the latter means the number of 7 0.3 (or three tenths)

Stock 6.08, - 0.46, - 7.03% what do you mean

The first is the price of the stock, the second is how much the price has fallen, and the third is the decline. On the contrary, it is the rise ahead