When a shopping mall sells a commodity with a 20% increase in cost price, the price is marked, 200 pieces are sold, and then 100 pieces are sold with a 10% discount. The total profit is 480 yuan, then the cost of the commodity is () yuan per piece

When a shopping mall sells a commodity with a 20% increase in cost price, the price is marked, 200 pieces are sold, and then 100 pieces are sold with a 10% discount. The total profit is 480 yuan, then the cost of the commodity is () yuan per piece

Please note that the 10% discount is the 10% discount after the bid price is increased by 20% of the cost price, not the 10% discount of the cost price

A commodity is priced at 20% profit and then sold at a 20% discount, resulting in a loss of 64 yuan and cost

Set the product cost as X

If a commodity is sold at a fixed price, the profit will be 960 yuan. If it is sold at a 20% discount, the loss will be 832 yuan. What is the cost price of the commodity?

Suppose the cost price of the commodity is x yuan

If a commodity is sold at 80% of the marked price, it will get a profit of 960 yuan. If it is sold at 80% of the marked price, it will lose 832 yuan compared with the cost price. What is the cost price of this commodity?

(960 + 832) △ 1-80% = 1792 △ 20% = 8960 (yuan) 8960-960 = 8000 (yuan) a: the cost price of this commodity is 8000 yuan

What is the reason for the absence of glucose in urine compared with the original urine

The urine reabsorbs water and inorganic salts through the renal tubules and collecting ducts to produce urine

About 150 liters of original urine are formed in healthy people every day, while only 1.5 liters of urine are sent out every day. The main reason is ()
A. Digestion B. absorption C. reabsorption D. filtration


The content of urea in urine is higher than that in plasma and urine______ .
Compared with the urine, the protein content of the plasma is 0. The physiological structure of the separation between the two liquids is______ When glucose passes through the physiological structure, it can pass through at most______ Layer cells

Blood vessels and renal vesicles
There are two layers: vascular parietal cells (capillaries are composed of monolayer cells) and renal capsule parietal cells (the inner wall of renal capsule is a cystic structure composed of monolayer flat epithelial cells)