The total cost of a and B goods is 2200 yuan. A goods are priced at 20% profit and B goods are priced at 15% profit. Later, according to the market situation, they are sold at 90% profit. The total profit is 131 yuan. What are the profits of a and B goods?

The total cost of a and B goods is 2200 yuan. A goods are priced at 20% profit and B goods are priced at 15% profit. Later, according to the market situation, they are sold at 90% profit. The total profit is 131 yuan. What are the profits of a and B goods?

Suppose the cost of a is x yuan, then B is 2200-x yuan, then: 90% × [(1 + 20%) x + (2200-x) × (1 + 15%)] - 2200 = 131, 0.9 × [1.2x + 2200 × 1.15-1.15x] - 2200 = 131, 0.9 × [0.05x + 2530] - 2200 = 131, 0.045x + 2277-2200 = 131, 0.045x + 77 = 131, x = 1200

The total cost of two kinds of goods is 2200 yuan. The price of goods a is 20% of the profit, and that of goods B is 15% of the profit. Later, both goods are sold at 90% discount, and the profit is still 131 yuan. What is the cost price of goods a?

Suppose the cost of commodity is x yuan, and that of commodity B is 2200-x yuan

The total cost of the two commodities is 300 yuan, and commodity a is priced at 40% of the profit
The total cost of two kinds of goods is 300 yuan. The price of goods a is 40% of the profit. Goods B is 25% of the profit. Later, they are all sold at 90% of the price. The profit is 61.8 yuan. How much is the cost of goods A. (need process.)

Suppose the cost of a is x, and the cost of B is 300-x;
So the cost of commodity a is 180 yuan

A commodity is priced at 20% profit and sold at 8.8% discount. The total profit is 84 yuan. The cost of this commodity is () yuan
A. 1650B. 1500C. 1700

Suppose the cost price is x yuan, from the meaning of the question: (1 + 20%) x × 88% - x = 84, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 1.056x-x = 84, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

The meaning of 2 / 9 times 3 / 7

2 out of 9 times 3 out of 7

What do 7 / 8, 0.25 and 25% mean respectively?

If it's a definition
7 / 8 means to divide a thing into 8 parts and take 7 of them
0.25 means that ·········································································
25% means 4 points, and 4 of them (the same as above)

What is the meaning of 180 × 0.8?
In mathematics

What's eight tenths of 180

3 out of 8, 0.43, 4 out of 7, who is the closest to 3 out of 7

The most direct way
1 .3/7-3/8=3/56
So it must be three
So 0.43 is the closest

3 / 7, 42.8%, 0.43 who is the biggest and who is the smallest

So 0.43 > 3 / 7 > 42.8%
43% and 42. 8% respectively

I want to be successful
