Two baskets of fruit came from the fruit shop. Basket a was 30 kg more than basket B. basket B sold 18 kg, and the quality of the remaining fruit was just 25 kg of basket A. how many kg of the original fruit in basket B?

Two baskets of fruit came from the fruit shop. Basket a was 30 kg more than basket B. basket B sold 18 kg, and the quality of the remaining fruit was just 25 kg of basket A. how many kg of the original fruit in basket B?

(30 + 18) △ 1-25) - 30 = 48 △ 35-30 = 80-30 = 50 (kg) a: the original fruit in basket B is 50 kg

When someone leaves home at six o'clock in the evening, the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand is 110 degrees. When they go home, they find that it is not seven o'clock, and the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand is still 110 degrees. Please calculate how long this person has been away?

If you go out at 6:00, because the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand on the watch is 110 degrees, you have 180 + 0.5x-6x = 110, so 5.5x = 70, so x = 14011, so the person goes out at 6:14011; if you go back at 6:00, you will find that the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand is 110 degrees, so you have 180 + 0.5x-6x = 110 6y - (180 + 0.5y) = 110, so 5.5y = 290, so y = 58011, so the person returned at 6:58011, 58011-14011 = 44011 = 40 (minutes). A: that is, the person went out for 40 minutes

1. A, B and C divide the candies as follows: first take three pieces of the same paper and write a positive integer P, Q and R on each piece of paper to make p < Q < R. when dividing the candies, each person draws a card (the pieces of paper drawn out in the same round will not be put back), and then subtract P from the pieces of paper, which is the number of candies he gets in this round. After several such dividing methods, a gets 20 pieces of candies, and B gets 10 pieces, C gets 9 pieces. He also knows that the number written on the last piece of paper obtained by Party B is r, while the sum of the numbers written on the pieces of paper obtained by Party C in each round is 18. Which three positive integers are p, Q and R? Why?
During the Spring Festival, a supermarket is going to play an advertising program repeatedly on the super large screen. The advertising time of this program is 10 seconds each time. If there is only a 10 second video master tape at the beginning, if two blank video tapes are transcribed in one video recorder, how can we record an advertising program that can play for one hour with the least number of recording times?
3. Let n be a positive integer, and f (n) denote the number of positive integers no more than √ n (for example, f (3) = 1, f (9) = 3)
Find f (2007)
Find a positive integer n to satisfy f (1) + F (2) +. + F (n) = 2009

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If the program is copied a time from the master disk to one disk, the length of the program recorded by the two disks is a series
From the third term, it is equal to the sum of the first two terms (the coefficient is the Fibonacci sequence)
When a = 2, 233a > 3600 / 10, 2 + 12 = 14 times
When a = 3, 144A > 3600 / 10, 3 + 11 = 14 times
When a = 4, 144A > 3600 / 10, 4 + 11 = 15 times
So we can copy 2 or 3 times from the master disk to 1 disk and transcribe each other 14 times
f(2007) = 44.80…… Rounding = 44
According to this sequence rule, f (n) of every number n that is not a perfect square number is the arithmetic square root of the nearest perfect square number before n
The number of occurrences of 1 in F (n) is 2 ^ 2 - 1 ^ 2, and the number of occurrences of 2 is 3 ^ 2 - 2 ^ 2
To solve this inequality:
1*(2^2 - 1^2) + 2*(3^2 - 2^2) + 3*(4^2 - 3^2) + …… + (X-1)*[X^2 - (X-1)^2]
≤2009 ≤
1*(2^2 - 1^2) + 2*(3^2 - 2^2) + 3*(4^2 - 3^2) + …… + X*[(X+1)^2 - X^2]
(two equal signs cannot be established at the same time)
The formulas on both sides of the inequality can be disassembled and simplified
1*(2^2 - 1^2) + 2*(3^2 - 2^2) + 3*(4^2 - 3^2) + …… + X*[X+1)^2 - X^2]
= 1*2^2 - 1*1^2 + 2*3^2 - 2*2^2 + 3*4^2 - 3*3^2 +…… + X*(X+1)^2 - X*X^2
= X*(X+1)^2 - (1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + …… + X^2)
= X*(X+1)^2 - X*(X+1)(2X+1)/6
The solution is x = 14, and the value before the inequality is 1729, followed by X + 1 = 15, corresponding to 2135
That is, n is between 14 ^ 2 = 196 and 15 ^ 2 = 225
Therefore, n is to add several 14 to 1729 corresponding to 196 to get 2009
(2009-1729)/14 = 20
So n = 196 + 20 - 1 = 215

The boss gave 29100 yuan, a spent 16120 yuan to buy materials, B took 7356 yuan from a, B spent 1376 yuan to buy materials (7356 Li), a and B are partners, making half of the money
Q: (1) how much do a and B share now?
(2) How much should b refund a?

(1) : (29100-16120-1376) / 2 = 5802 (yuan)
(2) : 7356-1376-5802 = 178 (yuan)

Abstract labor is the only entity to form commodity value, and value is the basis of exchange value. Does natural material have nothing to do with exchange value

Your question is that abstract labor is the only entity that forms the value of goods, and value is the basis of exchange value. If there is a relationship between natural material and exchange value, we must pay attention to the distinction!

In the process of commodity production, is the value of means of production transferred to new products by means of concrete or abstract labor of producers

Specific labor transferred to new products

The sources of value are: A. concrete labor; B. abstract labor; C. concrete labor and abstract labor; D. labor and land

The source of value is (a) concrete labor. In the process of producing use value, labor, capital, land and technology are indispensable. Marx affirmed that all kinds of production factors are equally important in the production of wealth. He said: "labor is not the only source of the use value it produces, that is, the only source of material wealth."

What is the use value of goods____ A. The result of abstract labor B. the material content of social wealth C. The result of concrete labor D. the social wealth under certain social relations
Multiple choice questions


What are the factors that affect the supply of labor force: a wage rate B leisure C wealth of workers d social customs e total population and its composition

Select all
The main factors affecting labor supply
A natural factor
1. The influence of population size on labor supply
2. The influence of natural structure of population on labor supply
3. The physical condition of individual laborer is another natural factor affecting the supply of labor force
2. Economic factors
1. The influence of labor preference on labor supply
2. The impact of business cycle fluctuation on labor supply
Third, social system factors
1. Labor system
2. Wage system

The characteristics of legal person are () a, independent social organization B, independent property C, fixed personnel D, undertaking independent responsibilities

Article 36 of the general principles of the civil law stipulates: "a legal person is an organization that has the capacity for civil rights and civil conduct and independently enjoys civil rights and undertakes civil obligations according to law." a legal person has the following characteristics: 1. A legal person is a social organization. 2. A legal person has the qualification of civil subject