Please carefully observe the characteristics of polynomial: (x + 1) (x + 2) (x + 3) (x + 4) + A, and try to judge and prove whether it is a complete square It's not + A, it's + 1 (x+1)(x+2)(x+3)(x+4)+1.

Please carefully observe the characteristics of polynomial: (x + 1) (x + 2) (x + 3) (x + 4) + A, and try to judge and prove whether it is a complete square It's not + A, it's + 1 (x+1)(x+2)(x+3)(x+4)+1.

Suppose that it is a complete square expansion: (x + 1) (x + 2) (x + 3) (x + 4) + 1 = x & # 8308; + 10x & sup3; + 35x & sup2; + 50x + 25, it is not difficult to see that the above formula must be the square of a quadratic polynomial, so let the above formula = (AX & sup2; + BX + C) & sup2; since the coefficient of X & # 8308; is 1 and the constant is 25, so a = 1, C = 5

Try to explain that the algebraic formula (x-1) (x + 2) (x-3) (x + 6) + 9x is a complete square formula
2 given x (x-1) - (X-Y) = - 3, find the value of X + y-2xy

(1)(x-1)(x+2)(x-3)(x+6)+9x²=((x-1)(x+6))*((x+2)(x-3))+9x²=(x²-6+5x)(x²-6-x)+9x² =((x²-6)+5x)*((x²-6)-x))+9x² =((x²-6)²+4x*(x²-6)-5x²)+9x&sup...

Try to explain that the algebraic formula (x-1) (x + 2) (x-3) (x + 6) + 9xx is a complete square formula, please 3Q

What is 9xx? Please add

The cost is 80 yuan goods, to 110 yuan sold, profit rate is_____ ?

Profitability = (pricing cost) / cost * 100%

An analysis of "articles without use value have no value, and articles without value must have no use value"

From an economic point of view, goods with no use value have no value, but goods with no use value may be used. For example, the oxygen we need to breathe, all kinds of ideas do not constitute value from an economic point of view, but they all have their use value

Differentiation and analysis of things with use value must have value, and things without value must have no use value

No, it's not
Use value refers to being useful to people (buyers, demanders and relative people), such as cars and sunshine
Value refers to the undifferentiated labor condensation (social labor time) of producers, which is produced by people, such as automobiles
Sunlight is useful to people, so it has use value; sunlight is not produced by human beings, there is no social average labor time, so it has no value. If it is light, it is useful, and it is produced by human beings, then it has use value and value
The key is to distinguish the meaning of "value" in daily life from that in economics
For example, sunlight and air are valuable but not valuable

What has no value has no use value, right?
If it's right, don't say the reason. If it's wrong, please explain the reason,

No. value is undifferentiated labor condensed in commodities
It can be seen that 1. Value is the attribute of commodity; 2. Value is embodied through labor
Therefore, 1. What is not a commodity has no value; 2. There is no labor and no value
Use value refers to the utility of goods that can meet people's needs, while use value of goods refers to the attribute that can meet people's needs
Therefore, no value does not mean no use value
For example, the sun has use value, but the sun is certainly not a commodity, because it is not produced through labor~

Discrimination of Ma Zhe: reason in advance
Judge whether the following philosophical propositions are correct and explain the reasons

The error belongs to the objective idealism, the world is material, and Zhu Xi's view that the origin of the world is rational. The objective idealism thinks that some objective spirit or principle is prior to the material world and independent of the material world, while the material world (or phenomenon world) is just this

An analysis of Ma Zhe: world unity and existence
Doesn't it mean that the world is unified in matter and that matter exists?
But that's not right!
I hope to answer this question in as much detail as possible,

Matter is existence, so the world is unified in existence. Wrong. Engels pointed out that existence is an ambiguous proposition, because not only matter is existence, but also spirit is existence. However, spirit is the reflection of the material world

An analysis of Ma Zhe
Price is the manifestation of value, so price must have value?

The knowledge of this question includes: the meaning of price and value, the dialectical relationship between price and value
[key point of answer] value is the undifferentiated human labor condensed in commodities. Value is the basis of price, and price is the monetary expression of value. However, under the condition of commodity economy, some commodities, which are not commodities and do not have value, acquire the form of commodities and can be traded, thus having price. Although price is the expression form of value, things with price do not necessarily have value