The side length of a diamond is 5, and a diagonal line is 6. Now take the straight line where the two diagonal lines are as the coordinate axis to find the four vertices

The side length of a diamond is 5, and a diagonal line is 6. Now take the straight line where the two diagonal lines are as the coordinate axis to find the four vertices

The other diagonal is 4 * 2 = 8
Four vertices (4,0) (- 4,0) (0,3) (0, - 3)

If an inner angle of the diamond is 120 degrees and a longer diagonal is 10 centimeters, how many centimeters is the perimeter of the diamond?

Two diagonals divide into four right triangles, the long right side is 5cm, and the corresponding acute angle is 60 degrees
Then the side length = 5 / sin 60 ° = 10 / radical 3
Diamond perimeter = 40 / radical 3