Third grade mathematics problem: to give 8 meters long, 6 meters wide classroom floor tiles, there are two types of floor tiles: 40 cm square tiles and 60 cm long, 40 cm wide rectangular tiles?

Third grade mathematics problem: to give 8 meters long, 6 meters wide classroom floor tiles, there are two types of floor tiles: 40 cm square tiles and 60 cm long, 40 cm wide rectangular tiles?

Floor area of Classroom: 8 * 6 = 48 (square meters) = 480000 (square centimeters)
Area of each square tile: 40 * 40 = 1600 (square centimeter)
Area of each rectangular floor tile: 60 * 40 = 2400 (square centimeter)
Number of square floor tiles: 480000 △ 1600 = 300 (pieces)
Number of rectangular floor tiles: 480000 △ 2400 = 200 (pieces)

How many tiles do you need at least to pave a 18 meter long and 5 meter wide sidewalk with 25 cm square tiles?

25cm = 0.25m, 18 × 5 ^ (0.25 × 0.25) = 90 ^ 0.0625 = 1440 (pieces); a: at least 1440 such tiles are required

Dad wants to lay tiles on the floor of the rectangular living room. It is known that the length of the living room is 5.6 meters and the width is 4 meters. How many square tiles with a side length of 80 cm are needed at least

The area of the floor of the living room is: 5.6 × 4 = 22.4 (square meters). The area of this kind of floor tile is: 0.8 × 0.8 = 0.64 (square meters) (80cm equals 0.8m). The formula is: 5.6 × 4 ^ (0.8 × 0.8) =

Use 11 square with side length of 8 decimeters to form a rectangle. How many decimeters is the perimeter and area of the rectangle?

11 × 8 = 88 decimeters
(88 + 8) × 2 = 192 decimeters
88 × 8 = 704 square decimeters