In a right angle trapezoid ABCD, if angle a = angle B = 90 °, angle c = 45 °, ab = 6 and ad = 2, what is the area of the bottom edge BC =? Trapezoid ABCD

In a right angle trapezoid ABCD, if angle a = angle B = 90 °, angle c = 45 °, ab = 6 and ad = 2, what is the area of the bottom edge BC =? Trapezoid ABCD

BC = 8 area = 30

An isosceles trapezoid with a base angle of 45 ° and an upper base of 8 cm and a lower base of 12 cm. What is the area of this trapezoid?
To explain, not equations!

Make two high lines from the top and bottom, because the bottom angle is 45, then because it is a right triangle with 45 degrees, the height is equal to the side of the triangle, the side length is (12-8) △ 2 = 2, the height is 2, and the area is (8 + 12) × 2 △ 2 = 20

An isosceles trapezoid, the base angle is 45 degrees, the upper bottom is 8 cm long, and the lower bottom is 12 cm long. What is the area of this trapezoid?

It's very simple. Make two vertical lines
Then figure out the height is 2
How to calculate? If the vertical line goes on, it will be an isosceles right triangle