It is known that the waist length of a right angled trapezoid is 10cm. What is the length of the other waist when the waist and a low one are called 30 degrees?

It is known that the waist length of a right angled trapezoid is 10cm. What is the length of the other waist when the waist and a low one are called 30 degrees?

A right triangle with an angle of 30 degrees is separated from the vertical line with the top of the trapezoidal hypotenuse as the bottom. The length of the side corresponding to the 30 degree angle of the right triangle is half of the length of the hypotenuse (theorem)

For an isosceles trapezoid, the base angle is 45 degrees, the length of the bottom is three times that of the top, and the length of the top is 4cm. What is the area of the trapezoid?
Please be more specific

Bottom = Top + 2 height = 3 top
Height = top bottom = 4
Area = (4 + 4 * 3) * 4 / 2 = 32 square centimeter

Trapezoid bottom is 17 cm, height is 5 cm, two bottom angles are 45 degrees, the trapezoid area
