As shown in the figure, the area of a regular hexagon is 24 square centimeters. Find the area of the shadow part

As shown in the figure, the area of a regular hexagon is 24 square centimeters. Find the area of the shadow part

According to the analysis, the area of shadow is 24 △ 6 × 2 = 8 (square centimeter). Answer: the area of shadow is 8 square centimeter

The area of the shadow part is 20 square centimeters. The area of the big circle is five times that of the small circle. How many square centimeters is the area of the blank part?

Where is the figure? According to the conditions you give, you can only see that the area of the big circle is 48 and that of the small circle is 30
Answer supplement
The area of the big circle is 6 times 8, the area of the small circle is 6 times 5. What kind of figure does it have to do with the area of the circle

In the figure below, two identical right triangles are overlapped to calculate the shadow area
4 cm. 3 cm. 12 cm

It is easy to see that two identical right triangles have the same overlapping area, that is, the trapezoidal area of the shadow part and the blank part are equal. In fact, it is to find the trapezoidal area of the blank part