If the radius of a circle is doubled, its area will be increased by 24 square centimeters. What is the original area of the circle

If the radius of a circle is doubled, its area will be increased by 24 square centimeters. What is the original area of the circle

"Double radius" means that the area is increased by four times, that is, by three times
Three times is 24 square centimeters
24 / 3 = 8 (square centimeter) 1 times, the original area is exactly 1 times
A: the original area of this circle is 8 square centimeters

When the radius of a circle is doubled, the area is 37.68 square centimeters more than the original area. What is the area of the original circle?

When the radius is doubled, it means that the radius changes from R to 3R. After the change, the area of the circle is 9 times that of the beginning. The difference is 37.68, and the area of the original circle is 4.71 square centimeters

The radius of a circle is 3. If the radius increases x, the area increases y. find the functional relationship between Y and X

From the meaning of the title: y = π (x + 3) 2 - π × 9, that is: y = π x2 + 6 π x (x > 0)