The volume of cone a is 128 cubic centimeters, and the height is 12 centimeters. The bottom area of cone B and cone a is equal, and the height is 9 centimeters. What is the volume of cone B?

The volume of cone a is 128 cubic centimeters, and the height is 12 centimeters. The bottom area of cone B and cone a is equal, and the height is 9 centimeters. What is the volume of cone B?

128 * 3 / 12 = 32 square cm (base area of a cone)
32 * 9 / 3 = 96 cm3 (volume of cone b)

Cut a cylinder with a volume of 18 cubic centimeters into the largest cone, and the volume of the cone cut is______ Cubic centimeter, the volume of the truncated part is & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; of the volume of the cylinder

18 × 13 = 6 (cubic centimeter), 1-13 = 23, a: the volume of a cone is 6 cubic centimeter, and the volume of the truncated part is 23 times that of a cylinder

A cone and a cylinder have the same base area and height. Given that their volumes differ by 60 cubic centimeters, what is the volume of a cone?

Divide 60 by bracket one minus one third, bracket equals 90, 90 minus 60 equals 30 cubic centimeters
The volume of a cone is thirty cubic centimeters
(sorry, I can't work out the formula, so I have to do it like this.)

Use a 54 cm long wire to form a rectangle. The length is 1.7 times the width. What's the area of the rectangle? (use equation solution)

The length is 1.7 times the width
Let the width be X
7 X
X = 10 cm. Length is 1.7x10 = 17 cm
The rectangle has an area of 17x10 = 170 square centimeters