A cube with a surface area of 96 square centimeters has a volume of several cubic centimeters

A cube with a surface area of 96 square centimeters has a volume of several cubic centimeters

The area of each surface is 96 △ 6 = 16cm
The side length is 4cm
Volume 4x4 = 64 CC

The surface area of a square is 294 square centimeters, and its volume is () cubic centimeters

Area of a surface = 294 △ 6 = 49 (square centimeter)
Cube edge length = 7 cm
Volume = 49 × 7 = 343 (cm3)

The surface area of a cube is 54 square centimeters, and its bottom area is 54 square centimeters______ Square centimeter. What's its volume______ Cubic centimeter

(1) 54 △ 6 = 9 (square centimeter); a: its bottom area is 9 square centimeter; (2) 9 square centimeter = 3 cm × 3 cm; therefore, the edge length of cube is 3 cm; the volume of cube is 3 × 3 × 3 = 27 (cubic centimeter). A: its volume is 27 cubic centimeter. So the answer is: 9; 27

The cross section of one is 114 square centimeters. The area after sawing the largest cube is 54 square centimeters. What is the surface area of the sawn cube wood

(114-54) × 6 = 360 cm3