How many small squares with an area of 4 square centimeters can a square paper with a side length of 16 cm be cut into?

How many small squares with an area of 4 square centimeters can a square paper with a side length of 16 cm be cut into?

It can be cut into 64 small squares with an area of 4 square centimeters

Remove the square with the side length of the whole centimeter from the four corners of the rectangular cardboard with the length of 30cm and the width of 20cm, and make a paperboard without cover. When the side length of the square is, what is the maximum volume of the paperboard? What is the maximum volume of the paperboard? "There is a trial process, and there is a specific formula."

(30-2x) (20-2x) x is the maximum
When x = 1, the value is 28 * 18 * 1 = 504; when x = 2, the value is 26 * 16 * 2 = 832; when x = 3, the value is 24 * 14 * 3 = 1008;
When x = 4, the value is 22 * 12 * 4 = 1056; when x = 5, the value is 20 * 10 * 5 = 1000; when x = 6, the value is 18 * 8 * 6 = 864
It can be seen that when the square side length is 4 cm, the volume is the largest, 1056 cubic cm