The surface area of a cube is 54 square centimeters, and the area of one side () square centimeters?

The surface area of a cube is 54 square centimeters, and the area of one side () square centimeters?

54 divided by 6
It's nine,
The area of one side of it is (9) square centimeters

If the surface area of a cube is 54 square meters, how many square meters is the area of one surface? How many meters is the edge length? We need to formulate
Make a list!

The area of one of its faces is 54 △ 6 = 9 square meters
The edge length is: 9 = 3M under the root sign

The surface area of a cube is 54 square decimeters. What is the sum of all the edges of the cube?

The base area of the cube is 54 △ 6 = 9 (square decimeter), and because of 3 × 3 = 9, its edge length is 3 decimeters, and the total edge length is 3 × 12 = 36 (decimeter). A: the sum of all edge lengths of the cube is 36 decimeters