If the side area of a cylinder is 50.24 square centimeter and the height is equal to the bottom radius, what is the surface area?

If the side area of a cylinder is 50.24 square centimeter and the height is equal to the bottom radius, what is the surface area?

Let the radius of the bottom of the cylinder be r cm, then the height is r cm. According to the formula of the side area of the cylinder, we can get: 3.14 × 2 × R × r = 50.24, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 6.28r2 = 50.24, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

The side area of a cylinder is 50.24 square centimeters, the height and the bottom radius are equal, what is the surface area of the cylinder?
I solved this problem by using the equation, and the height and radius was 8. Later, I checked 3.14 × (2 × 8) × 8 = 401.92 (checking the side area, greater than 50.24), and then I found 100.48 ··· I don't know how to do this problem. I searched the Internet, and the best is not the equation [best, best])

The side view of the cylinder is a rectangle. One side of the rectangle is the height h of the cylinder, and the other side is the circumference of the bottom circle of the cylinder 2 times the PI times the radius R. therefore, the side area is 2 × PI × R × H = 50.24, and because H = R, the side area is 2 × PI × r square = 50.24

The side area of a cylinder is 100.48 square centimeters, the height and the bottom radius are equal, what is the surface area of the cylinder?

Let height = bottom radius = X
Then the perimeter of the bottom surface is 2 π X
Side area = 2 π x × x = 2 π x ^ 2 = 100.48
X = radical {100.48 / (2 π)} ≈ radical {100.48 / (2 × 3.14)} = 4
The area of two bases = 2 × {π x ^ 2} ≈ 2 × {3.14 × 4 ^} - 100.48
Total area = 100.48 + 100.48 = 200.96 square centimeter

The side area of a cylinder is 50.24 square centimeters, the height and the bottom radius are equal, what is the surface area of the cylinder?

Let the radius of the bottom be x cm
Then the side area is 2 * 3.14 * x * x = 50.24
Bottom area = 3.14 * X & # 178;
Therefore, the surface area = 2 * bottom area + side area = 2 * 3.14 * 8 + 50.24 = 100.48 square centimeter