The total edge length of a cube is 96, its edge length is cm, its floor area is square centimeter, its surface area is square centimeter, and its volume is cubic centimeter

The total edge length of a cube is 96, its edge length is cm, its floor area is square centimeter, its surface area is square centimeter, and its volume is cubic centimeter

His edge length is 96 / 12 = 8cm
It covers an area of 8 * 8 = 64 square centimeters
The surface area is 64 * 6 = 384 square centimeters
The volume is 8 * 8 * 8 = 512 cubic centimeters

The total edge length of a cube teaching aid is 96cm. How many square centimeters is its surface area?

Edge length 96 △ 12 = 8cm
Surface area: 8x8x6 = 384 square centimeters
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The surface area of the cuboid is reduced by several square centimeters compared with the sum of the original five cuboids
