The total edge length of a cube is 72 cm, and its surface area is () square decimeter?

The total edge length of a cube is 72 cm, and its surface area is () square decimeter?

Ridge length 72 / 12 = 6cm 0.6dm. Surface area = 6 * 0.6 ^ 2 = 2.16m2

The sum of the edges of a cube is 72 cm. What is its surface area?

Edge length of cube: 72 △ 12 = 6cm
Surface area: 6 × 6 × 6 = 216 square centimeter

(1) A cube with a surface area of 72 square centimeters is cut into two identical cuboids,
The surface area increased by () square centimeter
(2) There is a rectangular biscuit box, which is 15 cm long, 8 cm wide and 4 cm high. How many square centimeters of hard paper do you need to make this box? How many cubic centimeters is its volume? (paper thickness is not included)
(3) A cuboid column is 4.5 meters high, and its bottom is a square with side length of 0.6. To paste tiles around the column, the specification of tiles is 0.6 m * 0.6 m (side length is a square with side length of 0.6 m). How many tiles do you need to paste this column?

(1) A cube with a surface area of 72 square centimeters is cut into two identical cuboids,
The surface area increased by (24) square centimeters
72 divided by 6 times 2 = 24 (square centimeter)
(2) There is a rectangular biscuit box, which is 15 cm long, 8 cm wide and 4 cm high. To make this box, it needs at least 424 square centimeters of hard paper. Its volume is 480 cubic centimeters. The thickness of paper is not included.)
(15 times 8 + 15 times 4 + 8 times 4) times 2 = 424 (square centimeter)
15 times 8 times 4 = 480 (CC)
(3) A cuboid column, 4.5 meters high, with a side length of 0.6 square at the bottom. To paste tiles around the column, the size of tiles is 0.6 m * 0.6 m (side length is 0.6 m square). A total of 30 such tiles are required to paste this column
4.5 divided by 0.6 multiplied by 4 = 30 (block)