There are two squares, one big and the other small, whose perimeter differs by 20 cm and area by 55 square cm. What is the area of a small square?

There are two squares, one big and the other small, whose perimeter differs by 20 cm and area by 55 square cm. What is the area of a small square?

55-5 × 5 = 30 (square centimeter); 30 / 2 / 5 = 3 (centimeter); 3 × 3 = 9 (square centimeter). Answer: the area of a small square is 9 square centimeter

A rectangle is 8cm in length and 4cm in width. Its perimeter is () and its area is (). The side length of a square with the same perimeter is ()
The area is ()

A rectangle is 8cm long and 4cm wide. Its perimeter is (24cm) and its area is (32cm & sup2;)
The side length of a square with the same circumference is (6cm) and the area is (36cm & sup2;)

If there are two squares, the sum of their perimeter is equal to 36cm, and the sum of their area is 45cm ^ 2, then the side lengths of the two squares are_____

If the sum of perimeter of two squares is equal to 36cm and the sum of area is 45cm ^ 2, the side lengths of the two squares are 3cm and 6cm respectively

The perimeter of a square is 36cm. What is the area of a parallelogram?

(36 / 4) * (36 / 4) = 9 * 9 = 81 square centimeter

The transformation of a square with a circumference of 12 cm into a square with an area of 36 cm is enlarged by the ratio of ()
A. 1:2B. 2:1C. 3:1D. 4:1

The side length before amplification: 12 △ 4 = 3 (CM); the side length after amplification: 36 = 6 × 6, that is, the side length after amplification is 6; so the ratio of the side length after amplification and that before amplification is 6:3 = 2:1

The side length of the square is 8cm. Figure out the area of the shadow part

Divide it into four squares with four sides
Area of each shadow
=Semicircle area reduces square area
So the shadow area is

What are the perimeter and area of the shadow in the figure below? (the side length of the square is 8cm

Side length of square = 8 △ 4 = 2cm radius of circle = 2 △ 2 = 1cm area of shadow part = 2 × 2-3.14 × 1 × 1 = 0.86cm2

As shown in the figure, the side length of the square is 8cm, and the area of the shadow part is calculated
Inside the square is something like an ancient copper plate


The perimeter of the square in the figure is 36dm. Can you work out the area of the parallelogram?

The perimeter of the square is 36dm, so the perimeter of the square is: 36 △ 4 = 9 (decimeter), and the area is: 9 × 9 = 81 (square decimeter). Because the square and the parallelogram have the same base and height, the area of the square is equal to the area of the parallelogram, that is, the area of the parallelogram is 81 square decimeter. A: the area of the parallelogram is 81 square decimeter

A square has a circumference of 36 cm. What's its area

Divide 36 by 4 and multiply by 9