A cuboid surface area of 160 square centimeters, can be divided into two exactly the same cube, cuboid volume

A cuboid surface area of 160 square centimeters, can be divided into two exactly the same cube, cuboid volume

Let a = x, then B = x, H = 2x

Divide a cuboid into several cuboids, surface area (), volume (), put several small cubes together into a cuboid, surface area (), volume ()
(fill in smaller, larger, unchanged)

After a cuboid is divided into several cuboids, the surface area (increase) and volume (unchanged) will be increased, and several small cubes will be put together into a cuboid, the surface area (decrease) and volume (unchanged) will be decreased

A cuboid has a surface area of 14 square centimeters, which is exactly divided into three cubes. How many cubic centimeters is the cuboid's volume

If the width of a cuboid is x cm, its height is x cm, and its length should be three times of its width
So the volume of the cuboid is
3 * 1 * 1 * 1 = 3 cubic centimeters