The area of the conference room is 72 square meters. The floor is made of 800 identical square tiles

The area of the conference room is 72 square meters. The floor is made of 800 identical square tiles

Side length = √ 72 / 800
=0,3 (m)

The school conference room is paved with square tiles of 2 / 5 meters in side length, which just uses 80 pieces. How many square meters is the area of the conference room?

32 square meters

Aunt Li's new bedroom covers an area of 120 square meters. She plans to use square tiles with a side length of 0.8 meters to lay the floor. Is 180 yuan enough?

8 × 0.8 × 180, = 0.64 × 180, = 115.2 (M2), 115.2 < 120, a: 180 yuan is not enough

The school dance room is 10 meters long and 7.6 meters wide. It is paved with 0.6 meters square tiles. Is 200 yuan enough


What is the area of a square steel plate, 8 / 15 of its circumference

Side length of square: 8 / 15 △ 4 = 2 / 15
Area: 2 / 15 × 2 / 15 = 4 / 225

The square area is 15 square meters. What's the perimeter

Side length = root (area) = root 15
Perimeter = 4 * side length = 4 * root 15

If the radius of a circle is known, the perimeter of a square is 20cm

5x5x = 25

Cut out the largest circle in a square colored paper with a circumference of 20cm, and find the area of the circle!
Thank you

You have to calculate the side length of the square 20 / 4 = 5, which is also the diameter of the circle you want to cut
So the maximum area of the circle is: 3.14 * (5 / 2) ^ 2 = 19.625 (square centimeter)
I wish you happiness!

It is known that the perimeter of a large square is 16cm longer than that of a small square, and their area difference is 48CM

According to the meaning of the title, let the side length of the big square be a and that of the small square be a;
According to the meaning of the title:
According to equation 1, we can get a = A-4, which is substituted into equation 2;
The results are as follows
The results are as follows
So the perimeter of the big square = 4A = 8A / 2 = 64 / 2 = 32 cm, for the demand!

The circumference of a rectangular piece of paper is 80cm, and the ratio of length to width is 5:3. If you cut it into the largest square piece of paper, what is the area of the square piece of paper?

The length of the rectangle: (80 △ 2) × 55 + 3 = 25 (CM); the width: (80 △ 2) × 35 + 3 = 15 (CM); the side length of the largest square paper cut is 15 cm, 15 × 15 = 225 (CM); a: the area of this square paper is 225 cm more