Xiao Li's new home is 80 decimeters long floor tiles, laying the ground, need 200 fast, if you use an area of 1 square decimeter square tiles to shop, how many pieces do you need How many square meters is the house area of your family? Use proportion to solve the problem

Xiao Li's new home is 80 decimeters long floor tiles, laying the ground, need 200 fast, if you use an area of 1 square decimeter square tiles to shop, how many pieces do you need How many square meters is the house area of your family? Use proportion to solve the problem

1 square decimeter of brick to shop, need x pieces
With an area of 1 square decimeter of brick to shop, need 1280000 pieces
The house area is about: 1 * 1280000 = 1280000 square decimeters = 12800 square meters
This is the first answer. I wish you progress!
Is this a wrong unit?

With the same floor tiles, 80 tiles are needed for 16 square meters. If 200 square meters, how many tiles are needed? (multiple solutions)

=1000 yuan
2. We need x tiles per square meter
=5 (block / M & sup2;)
=1000 yuan

Decorate a sitting room, use the square brick floor with side length of 2 decimeters, need 600. Now change to the square brick floor with side length of 4 decimeters, need how many?
To solve by proportion

Hello, ngswyran
X blocks are required

An office is planned to be paved with 3-decimeter-long square bricks. It needs 600 pieces. If it is replaced with 5-decimeter-long square bricks, how many pieces do it need? Proportion

The solution needs x blocks

It takes 600 pieces to pave a classroom with 3-decimeter-long square bricks. If you use 4-decimeter-long square bricks instead, how many pieces do you need? (solve by proportion)

Let x block be required, 4 × 4 × x = 3 × 3 × 600, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 16x = 9 × 600, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 9 × 60016, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X ≈ 338, a: 338 blocks are required

Granny Wang's house decoration, with an area of 9 square decimeters of brick floor to use 160, if you use 4 decimeters of brick floor, how many? (solve by proportion)

If x bricks with side length of 4 decimeters are used to pave the floor, then: (4 × 4) × x = 160 × 9, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 16x = 1440, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 1440 △ 16, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

Xiao Ming's house is decorated with 480 square bricks with an area of 9 square decimeters and 4 square bricks with a side length of 4 decimeters. How many do you need?

Suppose x square bricks are needed, 4 × 4x = 9 × 480 & nbsp; & nbsp; 16x = 4320 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 270 A: 270 square bricks are needed

A house needs to be paved with square bricks. It needs 480 square bricks with an area of 0.09 square meters. If it uses square bricks with a side length of 0.6 meters, how many are needed?

0.09 × 480 ^ (0.6 ×. 6) = 0.09 × 480 ^ 0.36 = 43.2 ^ 0.36 = 120 (pieces) a: 120 pieces are needed

A house needs 400 square bricks with an area of 0.16 square meters. If we use square bricks with a side length of 0.5 meters, will 250 be enough?

=256 (block) > 250 is not enough

A classroom needs to be paved with square bricks. It needs 270 square bricks with an area of 16 square decimeters. If we use square bricks with a side length of 3 decimeters, how many do we need?

Classroom area 16x270 = 4320 square decimeters
The area of a square brick with side length of 3 decimeters is 3x3 = 9 square decimeters
4320 △ 9 = 480 pieces