If Mr. Jiang's living room is decorated with 16 square decimeters of square bricks, it will take 150 pieces. Now, how many pieces of square bricks will it take to use 25 square decimeters of square bricks

If Mr. Jiang's living room is decorated with 16 square decimeters of square bricks, it will take 150 pieces. Now, how many pieces of square bricks will it take to use 25 square decimeters of square bricks

Suppose: such a brick is required to be x blocks. According to the meaning of the question, the equation is as follows
A: we need 96 such bricks

A house, with an area of 18 square meters of brick floor, need 192. If the side length of 4 decimeters of brick, need how many?
It's how many bricks you need, not the area

What's the level of upstairs?
18 * 192 * 100 / (4*4) = 21600
The sofa doesn't take into account the total number of blocks
I read the bench title wrong and didn't notice the unit conversion

If you use the same bricks to pave the floor, you need 618 bricks for 18 square meters. If you use 24 square meters, how many bricks do you need? (using proportional knowledge)

Suppose you want to use x bricks. From the meaning of the question, you can get: 18:618 = 24: X, & nbsp; & nbsp; 18x = 618 × 24, & nbsp; & nbsp; 18x = 14832, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 824; a: you want to use 824 bricks