China has a total area of 9.6 million square kilometers. On the world map with a scale of 1:200000000, what is the area of China on the map? It's a process

China has a total area of 9.6 million square kilometers. On the world map with a scale of 1:200000000, what is the area of China on the map? It's a process

9.6 million square kilometers = 96 million square centimeters, followed by 96 million * (1 / 200000000) = 4800 square centimeters

If the scale of a piece of land and its map is 2000:1, the______ A map can cover the land completely

If the scale of a piece of land and its map is 2000:1, the_ 4*10^6_____ A map can cover the land completely
Let S1 = AB, S2 = ab
A/a=2000:1 B/b=2000:1
Need_ 4*10^6_ A map can cover the land completely

A piece of land with an area of 5 hectares is () square centimeter on a map with a scale of 1:20000

5 hectares = 50 million square centimeters,

The figure below is drawn on a scale of 1:500. Can you calculate the actual area of this figure?

Have you adopted it!

The figure below is drawn with a scale of 1:500. Please calculate its actual area
That figure is a parallelogram! Its bottom is 3cm and its height is 2cm. It must be correct! (write the calculation process in detail)

The actual length of the bottom is 3 * 500 = 1500cm = 15m;
The actual height is 2 * 500 = 1000cm = 10m;
The actual area is: 15 * 10 = 150 square meters

Here is a graph drawn on a scale of one thousandth. Calculate his actual area!
I've worked it out. It's a parallelogram. It's 2.2cm long and 2cm wide. Work out its actual area

Congratulations. You are so smart. In fact, use your head and your hands to do everything

The figure below is drawn on a scale of 1:1000. How many square meters is its actual area?
The figure refers to a parallelogram. Its height is 1.7cm and its length is 2.5cm
Hurry up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Answer quickly!!!!!!!!!!!

425 square meters. It should be

On the 1:50000 scale map, there is a rectangular piece of land 3.2 cm long and 1.2 cm wide. What is the actual area and perimeter of the land

Let the length of this rectangle be x cm and the width be y cm
160000 cm = 1600 M
60000cm = 600m
Area: 1600x600 = 960000 square meters = 96 hectares
Perimeter: (1600 + 600) x2 = 4400m

1: On the 5000 scale map, there is a rectangular land 3.2 cm long and 1.2 cm wide. What is the actual perimeter of this land?


On the 1:5000 scale map, there is a rectangular land 3.2 cm long. What is the actual perimeter of this land?

The rectangle wants to tell me my width
3.2cm = 160m