X / 2 = Y / 3 = Z / 4, find (XY + YZ + XZ) / (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + Z ^ 2)

X / 2 = Y / 3 = Z / 4, find (XY + YZ + XZ) / (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + Z ^ 2)

Let X / 2 = Y / 3 = Z / 4 = K
Then, x = 2K, y = 3k, z = 4K

How to find the partial derivative of root XY?
And the derivative of the whole function?

The partial derivative of (sqrt denotes square root) to X: if y is regarded as a constant, then sqrt [XY] = sqrt [y] * sqrt [x], where sqrt [y] is a constant, and then sqrt [x] = x ^ (1 / 2) is derived from X to get (1 / 2) x ^ (- 1 / 2) = 1 / (2sqrt [x]). So the partial derivative of sqrt [XY] to x = sqrt [y] * 1 / (2sqrt [x]) = sqrt [y] / (2sqrt [x])

How to find the partial derivative of Z = arctan (XY)


Partial derivatives of higher numbers with respect to implicit functions
Let e ^ z-xyz = 0, find (second order partial Z is more than partial x)
yt xz
Partial Z to partial x = --- partial Z to partial y=------------
e^z-xy e^z-xy
z'(e^z-xy)-yz[(e^z) z'-xy]
Second order partial Z is better than partial X=----------------------------------
2(y^2) z (e^z) -2(y^3) x z-(y^2)(z^2)(e^2)
I would like to ask you that "second order partial Z is more partial X" is a division method as a whole, but I can't work out his result. What is the method used to deal with molecules? Just give me some ideas, and you don't need to use a formula,
”The molecule of partial Z is more than partial X "is YZ

&#As a result, we will be able to get the results of 8706; and we will be able to get the [8706; X = y (z) / (e ^ z-z-xy) and so we will be able to get the results of the [8706; and we will be able to get the results of the [[8706; X =; X; and we will be able to get the results of this; and we will be able to find the [8706; X = y (Z / z-z-y-z-y-y-z-y-y-y-y) and we will be able; and we will be able; and we will be able; and we will be able to find that we are going to find that we will be so obviously, and it is obvious that, obviously, and obviously, obviously, obviously, it is obvious that, and obviously, obviously, obviously, and obviously, obviously, and obviously, obviously, obviously, obviously, obviously, obviously, obviously, obviously, obviously, obviously, obviously, obviously, obviously, obviously, obviously, obviously, obviously, #; YZ / &

The problem of partial derivatives in higher numbers
How to find the partial derivative of function z = (x * x * y * y) / (X-Y) to independent variable x? It's written in the book
Taking y as a constant and deriving from X, we get
Under simplification, it is [x * x * y * y-2x * y * y * y] / (X-Y) (X-Y)
I want to ask how to get it step by step. My problem is that I don't understand "regarding y as a constant and deriving X"

It's all psychological. When you're on grass paper
Change the sign of partial derivative into the sign of derivative
Change y to C
Write again,
After that, replace it

Partial derivatives of higher numbers
The partial derivative of Z = lnsin (x-2y) There should be a process
It's useful to give an answer before 12 o'clock

The first is partial x, partial z = [1 / sin (x-2y)] cos (x-2y) partial X
Partial y, partial z = - 2 [1 / sin (x-2y)] cos (x-2y) partial x

A problem of partial derivative of higher number
Let r = root sign (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + Z ^ 2)
x. The second partial derivatives of Y and Z add up to 2 / R
I don't know how to prove it. I want to teach,

r = √(x²+y²+z²)∂r/∂x = 2x / 2√(x²+y²+z²) = x/r∂²r/∂x² = (1*r - x*x/r)/r² = (r²-x²)/r³ = (y²+z²)/r³...

The problem of higher numbers, the problem of partial derivatives
Is there a formula

There is no such formula

Seeking partial derivative of higher number
Finding partial Z / partial x
Thank you for the details. X & sup2; is the square of X

z = yln[x+√(x²+y²)]+3x-2y
∂z/∂x = {y/[x+√(x²+y²)]}{1 + x/√(x²+y²)} + 3
= y[√(x²+y²)+x]/[x+√(x²+y²)][√(x²+y²)] + 3
= y/[√(x²+y²)] + 3

Let z = f (x, y) and x = t + Sint, y = T ^ 2, f (x, y) be differentiable, then DZ / DT
Let z = f (x, y) and x = t + Sint, y = T ^ 2, f (x, y) be differentiable, and find DZ / dt

The reciprocal of F to x multiplied by (1 + cost) plus the reciprocal of F to y multiplied by 2T