Ten mathematical judgment questions 1. An equation with unknowns is called an equation () 2. N is a natural number, and 2n is an even number () 3. Because 22 = 2 × 2, A2 = a × 2 () 4. 56-x < 0.7 is not equation () 5、c +c=2c,a×a=2a.( ) 6. An equation must be an equation, and an equation does not have to be an equation 7、a²>a×2 .( ) 8. When a = 3, the cube of a = a × 3 9. The process of solving an equation is called solving an equation 10. 4m-12 = 0 is the equation

Ten mathematical judgment questions 1. An equation with unknowns is called an equation () 2. N is a natural number, and 2n is an even number () 3. Because 22 = 2 × 2, A2 = a × 2 () 4. 56-x < 0.7 is not equation () 5、c +c=2c,a×a=2a.( ) 6. An equation must be an equation, and an equation does not have to be an equation 7、a²>a×2 .( ) 8. When a = 3, the cube of a = a × 3 9. The process of solving an equation is called solving an equation 10. 4m-12 = 0 is the equation

Answer: 1. The formula with unknowns is called equation (wrong). 2. N represents natural number, and 2n represents even number (right). 3. Because 22 = 2 × 2, A2 = a × 2 (wrong). 4. 56-x < 0.7 is not equation (wrong). 5. C + C = 2c, a × a = 2A. (wrong). 6. Equation must be equation, but equation is not square

Judgment questions: as follows:
The greatest common factor of 1.60, 45 and 15 is 15
2. Both a and B are non-zero natural numbers. If a is divided by B quotient 5, then the greatest common factor of a and B is a. ()
3. The least common multiple of two different numbers must be greater than their greatest common factor
4. Both a and B are factors of the least common multiple of the two numbers
Because 10 △ 5 = 2, 10 is a multiple. 5 is the factor. ( )
There are five questions.

1. Yes
2. Wrong
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Wrong

The specific questions are as follows:
A commercial bank signed an agreement with K financial asset management company. The commercial bank sold a total of 100 loans classified into sub-prime, suspicious and loss categories to K asset management company. The total amount of the loans was 108 million yuan. The original provision for impairment was 12 million yuan. The transfer price agreed by both parties was 81 million yuan. After the transfer, a commercial bank no longer retains any rights and obligations, The non operating expenses recognized by commercial bank a at the time of transfer are 27 million yuan

Non operating expenses = (10800-1200) - 8100 = 15 million yuan
If you have any questions, please continue to ask me through "Hi"!

The judgment questions are as follows
Because 1900 △ 4 = 475, 1900 is a leap year
The minute hand on a clock turns 60 times faster than the hour hand

The first mistake, he also said, can't be divided by 400
The second is right

This is a question of judgment
1. The first item of all scales is 1
2. The scale of a drawing shall be determined according to the size of the drawing
If the product is constant, one factor is inversely proportional to the other
The speed is inversely proportional to the time when the distance is fixed
5. When the kilogram of rapeseed is fixed, the oil yield is inversely proportional to the kilogram of rapeseed oil
6. The total yield is inversely proportional to the yield per hectare

One to two, three to four, five to six

Known positive scale function image passing through point (- 4,8)
(1) If point a (a, - 1) and point B (radical 2, - b) are on the image, find the value of a and B
(2) Make a vertical line of Y axis through a point P on the image, perpendicular to Q (0, - 8), and calculate the area of △ OPQ

Let the function be y = KX
Over (- 4,8)
So y = - 2x
Substituting AB into
So a = 1 / 2
Let P (m.n)
Then n = - 2m
If PQ is perpendicular to y axis, the ordinate is equal
So n = - 8
So the distance from P to y is | m | = 4, which is high
The bottom is PQ = | - 8 | = 8
So area = 16

As shown in the figure, it is known that the image of inverse scale function y = K1 / X intersects with the image of linear function y = k2x + B at two points a (1,3), B (m, 1)
(1) The analytic expressions of inverse proportion function and linear function are obtained;
(2) Calculate the area of △ AOB;
(3) Point P is a point on the image of inverse scale function. When △ AOP is an isosceles triangle, the coordinates of two points P satisfying the condition are written directly
P. Although (3) is called direct writing,

As shown in the figure, it is known that the image of inverse scale function y = K1 / 2x and the image of linear function y = k2x + B intersect at two points a and B, a (1, n), B (- 1 / 2, - 2)
1. Find the analytic expressions of inverse proportion function and linear function;
2. Is there a point P on the x-axis, which makes the triangle AOP an isosceles triangle? If so, please write the coordinates of point P directly; if not, please explain the reason

1, substituting the coordinates of point B into the analytic expression of inverse proportional function, we can get y = 1 / x, from y = 1 / X through a, we can get a (1,1), so the analytic expression of the first-order function through AB is y = 2x-1.2, let P (x, 0), when Ao = OP, P (root 2,0), or P (- root 2,0); when OA = AP, we can get (x-1) &# 178; + 1 = 2, we can get x = 2, that is p (2,0); when AP = OP, from (x-1) &# 178; + 1 = x & # we can get x = 1, so p (1,0)

It is known that the image of inverse scale function y = K1 / 2x and primary function y = k2x + B intersect at two points a and B, a (1, n) B (- 1 / 2, - 2)
I want it in 10 minutes

∵ inverse scale function y = K1 / 2x passes through point B (- 1 / 2, - 2)
The analytic expression of inverse scale function is y = 2 / 2x, i.e. y = 1 / X
∵ a (1, n) over y = 1 / x, substituting into N, we can get n = 1
So the coordinates of point a are (1,1)
Substituting (1,1) and (- 1 / 2, - 2) into y = k2x + B
So the analytic formula of a function is y = 2x-1

As shown in the figure, it is known that the image intersection of the inverse scale function y = K1 / 2x and the linear function y = k2x + B is at two points (1) of a (1, n), B (- 1 / 2, - 2)

B (- 1 / 2, - 2) is substituted into the inverse scale function y = K1 / 2x
If k = 2, then:
Y = 1 / x, take a (1, n) into the inverse function, get: n = 1, then take a, B, two points into the function, get: k = 1, B = - 1
Y = 2x-1
Let 2x-1 > 1 / x, we get x > 1 or X