Let y = x2-2x + 2 and y = - x2 + ax + B be perpendicular to each other 1. Find the relationship between a and B 2. If a is greater than 0 and B is greater than 0, find the maximum value of a times B.

Let y = x2-2x + 2 and y = - x2 + ax + B be perpendicular to each other 1. Find the relationship between a and B 2. If a is greater than 0 and B is greater than 0, find the maximum value of a times B.

For parabola: y = - x2 + 2x-3, the following conclusion is correct ()
A. There are two intersections with the x-axis B. the opening is upward C. the coordinates of the intersection with the y-axis are (0,3) D. the coordinates of the vertex are (1, - 2)

A. If ∵ △ = 22-4 × (- 1) × (- 3) = - 8 < 0, there is no intersection point between the parabola and the x-axis, this option is wrong; B, if ∵ quadratic coefficient - 1 < 0, the opening of the parabola is downward, this option is wrong; C, if x = 0, y = - 3, the coordinates of the intersection point between the parabola and the y-axis are (0, - 3), this option is wrong; D, ∵ y = - x2 + 2x-3 = - (x -...)

The image of the square of parabola y = x-2x + 1 has some relations with the intersection of x-axis

So there's only one point of intersection with the x-axis

The coordinates of the intersection of the parabola y = - 3x ^ 2 + 2x + 1 and the X axis are____ , and y-axis____ The coordinates of the point of intersection are____ Because a = - 3, y has the most____ Value, when x=___
The coordinates of the intersection of the parabola y = - 3x ^ 2 + 2x + 1 and the X axis are____ The coordinates of the intersection of the Y-axis and the y-axis are____ Because a = - 3, y has the most____ Value, when x=____ The maximum value of the function y is 0____ The value is____ .

The coordinate of the intersection of the object line y = - 3x ^ 2 + 2x + 1 and the X axis is____ The coordinates of the intersection of the Y-axis and the y-axis are____ Because a = - 3, y has the most____ Value, when x=____ The maximum value of the function y is 0____ The value is____ When the ordinate is 0y = 0, the intersection of - 3x ^ 2 + 2x + 1 = 03x ^ 2-2x-1 = 0 (x-1) (3x + 1) = 0 x = 1 or x = - 1 / 3 with x-axis

Given the parabola y = x & sup2; - 2x-8, if the two intersections of the parabola and the X axis are AB and its vertex is p, the area of the triangle ABP is obtained

Let y = x & sup2; - 2x-8 = 0, calculate x = 4, - 2. A (4,0) B (- 2,0). The abscissa of the parabola vertex must be the key point of AB, XP = 1, and YP = - 9. Draw a picture, take AB as the bottom, the ordinate of P point is high, s = (1 / 2) * 6 * 9 = 27

If we know that the parabola y = (x-1) ^ 2-9 intersects the x-axis A and B, and the vertex P, we can find the area of triangle ABP

Then a (4,0), B (- 2,0), P (1,9)
Area = 1 / 2 [4 - (- 2)] * 9 = 27

The parabola y = xx-2x + K + 1 has two intersections with the X axis


Given that the parabola y = x2 + 2 (K + 1) x-k has two intersections with the X axis, and the two intersections are on both sides of the line x = 1, then the value range of K is______ .

∵ parabola y = x2 + 2 (K + 1) x-k has two intersections with X axis, and the two intersections are on both sides of the straight line x = 1, ∵ when x = 1, y < 0, so substituting x = 1 into the analytical formula, we get: 1 + 2 (k + 1) - K < 0 ∵ K + 3 < 0, we get k < - 3; so the value range of K is k < - 3

It is known that the parabola y = (k-1) x & # 178; + 2kx + K-2 has two different intersections with the x-axis. (1) the range of value of K is obtained. (2) when k is an integer and the solution of the equation 3x = kx-1 about X is satisfied, the expression of the parabola is obtained

(1) For the quadratic equation (k-1) x & # 178; + 2kx + K-2 = 0, the discriminant > 0 (2k) &# 178; - 4 (k-1) (K-2) > 03k-2 > 0k > 2 / 3. In conclusion, when k > 2 / 3 and K ≠ 1 (2) 3x = kx-1 (K-3) x = 1K = 3, the equation has no solution, K ≠ 3x = 1 / (K-3), and the solution is negative, 1 / (K-3)

It is known that the parabola y = x ^ 2-2 (k-1) x + K ^ 2 has an intersection with the X axis, and the value range of K is obtained

y = x² - 2(k - 1)x + k²
△ = 4(k-1)² - 4k²
= - 8k + 1
The result is - 8K + 1 ≥ 0
The solution is k ≤ 1 / 8