Party A and Party B want to jointly contract a project. Party A will complete the project within 30 days and Party B will complete the project within 20 days. The contract stipulates that the project will be completed within 15 days. Otherwise, a fine of 1000 yuan will be imposed for each day. Party A and Party B sign the contract after discussion. (1) under normal circumstances, can party A and Party B perform the contract? Why? (2) Now they have cooperated in 75% of the project. Because there is something urgent elsewhere, one person must be transferred. Who is more suitable? Why?

Party A and Party B want to jointly contract a project. Party A will complete the project within 30 days and Party B will complete the project within 20 days. The contract stipulates that the project will be completed within 15 days. Otherwise, a fine of 1000 yuan will be imposed for each day. Party A and Party B sign the contract after discussion. (1) under normal circumstances, can party A and Party B perform the contract? Why? (2) Now they have cooperated in 75% of the project. Because there is something urgent elsewhere, one person must be transferred. Who is more suitable? Why?

(1) Suppose that the cooperation between Party A and Party B takes X days to complete, according to the meaning of the question, we get (130 + 120) x = 1, and the solution is: x = 12, ∵ 12 < 15, ∵ Party A and Party B can perform the contract; (2) if 75% of the project is completed by two people, it takes y days, according to the meaning of the question, we get (130 + 120) y = 34, and the solution is: y = 9, and the rest is done by Party A alone, and the time required is: 14 ∵ 130 = 7.5 (days), and the rest is done by Party B alone The time required is: 14 △ 120 = 5 (days), ∵ 9 + 7.5 = 16.5 > 15, not suitable, 9 + 5 = 14 < 15, suitable, ∵ transfer a is more suitable

The sum of five continuous natural numbers is 50. Find the least common multiple of these five continuous natural numbers

Let the minimum number be x, x + X + 1 + X + 2 + X + 3 + X + 4 = 50
So, five consecutive natural numbers are 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Find out the least common multiple in pairs
Finally, 95040 is obtained

Ask a math problem, urgent
At present, there are 10 bags of rice. If each bag of rice is 25kg, the rice exceeding the standard will be counted as a positive number, and the rice insufficient will be counted as a negative number, the records are as follows: - 1, - 0.5, + 0.9, - 0.3, + 0.5,0, - 0.1, + 0.2, - 0.6, - 0.1

Add first - 1-0.5 + 0.9-0.3 + 0.5 + 0-0.1 + 0.2-0.6-0.1 = - 1
Then calculate the average - 1 / 10 = - 0.1,
On average, each bag of rice is less than 0.1kg,
The weight of each bag of rice is 25kg,
The average weight of each bag of rice is 25-0.1 = 24.9kg

A city charges a monthly natural gas fee according to the following regulations. The part of natural gas used by each household within 20 cubic meters is charged at 2 yuan per cubic meter. The part beyond 20 cubic meters is charged at 3.2 yuan per cubic meter. Lili's family paid 94.4 yuan for natural gas last month. How many cubic meters of natural gas did Lili's family share last month?

A city charges a monthly natural gas fee according to the following regulations. The part of natural gas used by each household within 20 cubic meters is charged at 2 yuan per cubic meter. The part beyond 20 cubic meters is charged at 3.2 yuan per cubic meter. Lili's family paid 94.4 yuan for natural gas last month. How many cubic meters of natural gas did Lili's family share last month?
The results are as follows
Because 20 * 2 = = 40

How fast can you cut a cube with a volume of 1 cubic meter into a small cube with a volume of 1 cubic centimeter? If you line up these small cubes, how long is the cuboid?

1 cubic meter = 1000000 cubic centimeters
1000000 △ 1 = 1000000
One centimeter is 1000000 centimeters = 10000 meters
Its surface area: 1 × 4 × 1000000 + 1 × 1 × 2 = 4000002 square centimeters

Mathematics on the application of cylindrical volume problem!
1. Wash some potatoes in a cylindrical container with a bottom radius of 10 cm. At this time, the water depth of the container is 30 cm. After taking out the potatoes, the water surface drops by 3 cm. What is the volume of these potatoes?
2. There is half a barrel of oil in a cylindrical tin oil barrel. After 3 / 5 of the oil is poured out, there is still 32 liters of oil in the barrel. If the oil barrel is 8 decimeters high, how many square decimeters is the bottom area of the oil barrel?
3. A cylindrical container a with a height of 8 cm and a volume of 50 ml is filled with water. Now put the 16 cm long cylinder B vertically so that the bottom of B contacts the bottom of A. at this time, part of the water overflows from the container A. when B is removed from a, the height of a's water is only 6 cm. Calculate the volume of cylinder B
It's OK to calculate one!

3.14 * 10 * 10 * 3 = 942 (cm3)
A: the volume of these potatoes is 942 cubic centimeters
32 / [(1 / 2) - (1 / 2) * (3 / 5)] / 8 = 20 (square decimeter)
A: the bottom area of the barrel is 20 square decimeters
[(50 / 8) * (8-6) / 8] * 16 = 25 (cm3)
A: the volume of cylinder B is 25 cubic centimeters

How to calculate the glass area? For example, what is the area of 187.2 * 181.1
More details, thank you

Just use the method of decimal multiplication to calculate. Don't worry about the decimal point. Calculate according to the rule of integer multiplication. If there are several decimal places in the factor, count the decimal point in the product. 187.2x181.1 = 33901.92

In geometry, the integral is the area. Is the area re integral the volume

Considering the practical significance, it is generally true in geometry

A Rubik's cube is 9 cm long. What is the surface area / volume of the remaining body after cutting off one layer? How to calculate


Using double integral to calculate volume
Using double integral to find the volume of the solid surrounded by z = 9-x ^ 2-4y ^ 2 and XY plane,

Wrong upstairs
The solid surrounded by z = 9-x ^ 2-4y ^ 2 and XY plane
That is Z = 9-x ^ 2-4y ^ 2 > = 0