How to calculate the triple integral of a volume bounded by a rotating paraboloid and a plane perpendicular to the Z-axis in spherical coordinates

How to calculate the triple integral of a volume bounded by a rotating paraboloid and a plane perpendicular to the Z-axis in spherical coordinates


Let Ω be a bounded closed region bounded by surfaces z = 2-x2-y2 and z = x2 + Y2, and find the volume of Ω

Because the intersection line of Z = 2-2-x2-y2 and z = x2 + Y2 is x2 + y2 = 1, so the projection area of Ω on the xoy surface is D: the projection area of D: D: x 2 + Y2 ≤ 1 65422;, the volume of & nbsp; v = ∭-x2-x2-y2-y2 and z = z = 2 + y2 = 1, so the projection area of Ω on the xoy surface is D: D: D: D: the projection region of D: D: D: D: D: the projection area of D: D: D: D: x 2 + x 2 + Y2 ≤ 2 ≤ 1 65x2 + Y2 ≤ 1 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\= π

The oblique projection of a circle is an ellipse, the projection of an ellipse or an ellipse?
How can I prove mathematically that the oblique projection of a circle on a plane is an ellipse? And the projection of an ellipse on a plane is still an ellipse (it may degenerate into a straight line, etc.). It seems right intuitively, but I don't quite understand the truth. Thank you
For example, the figure after the projection of an ellipse on a plane must still conform to the elliptic equation? I don't know how to prove it mathematically
Hope to give convincing and intuitive proof
thank you!
To: asker W - Ju Ren
It is common sense to draw a straight line from the center of the circle, and then stretch or compress the circle along the two sides of the line to form an ellipse
To: Manager SAMLIN
How can I prove it? I want to find a way to convince my intuition. Projection is not an ordinary coordinate transformation, but also reduced to one dimension. Although I have seen graphics, I don't know how to prove it

Let's say that a circle or an ellipse is a shape composed of numerous short line segments. When the number of line segments is infinite, the circle is perfect. Let's talk about the problem of projection of a regular circle. Let's make a right triangle, and take the line segment a of a regular circle as the hypotenuse of the triangle. Then the length of projection is b = cos (x) a, and X is the angle of projection

When we try to determine the value of K, the intersection of the elliptic paraboloid x ^ + y ^ 2 = 2Z and the plane x = KZ is a circle, and the radius of the circle is calculated
The elliptic paraboloid is x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 2Z

The normal vector of plane 2x + 2y-z = 18 is n = (2,2, - 1) because the center of the sphere is (0,0,0), and the line connecting with the center of the formed circle is perpendicular to the plane of the circle, that is, (2,2, - 1) is the radius of the center of the circle r = quadratic

How to change the sine function y = SiNx to get the function y = 1 / 2Sin (3x - π / 3)

First move π / 3 units to the right, then shorten the abscissa to 1 / 3 of the original, and then shorten the ordinate to 1 / 2 of the original
Or we can shorten the abscissa to 1 / 3 of the original, move π / 9 units to the right, and shorten the ordinate to 1 / 2 of the original

If f (x) = 2Sin & sup2; (3x + π / 4), the minimum positive period is?

The formula for calculating the minimum positive period is the coefficient before 2 π / x, so it is π / 3

Given the function f (x) = 2Sin (1 / 3x-30 °), X belongs to R, (1) find the value of F (5 π / 4) (2) let α, β ∈ [0, π / 2], f (3 α + π / 2) = 10 / 13, f (3 β + 2 π) = 6 / 5, find the value of Tan α · Tan β


It is known that the function f (x) = (Rx ^ 2 + 2) / (s-3x) is odd, and f (2) = - 5 / 3. Find the analytic expression of function f (x)

The function f (x) = (Rx ^ 2 + 2) / (s-3x) is odd, f (- x) = - f (x),
(rx^2+2)/(s+3x)=- (rx^2+2)/(s-3x)
s+3x=- s+3x,s=0.
And f (2) = - 5 / 3, (4R + 2) / (- 6) = - 5 / 3, r = 2
The analytic expression of function f (x) is f (x) = (2x ^ 2 + 2) / (- 3x)

Given the function f (x) = sin (x + π / 6) + 2Sin Λ 2x / 2, find the maximum value of F (x)

f(x)=sin(x+π/6)+2sin∧2 x/2
The maximum value of F (x) is 2

It is known that in △ ABC, Sina + cosa = 1 / 5, which is 3Q
(1) Find the value of sinacosa. (2) judge whether △ ABC is an acute triangle or an obtuse triangle. (3) find the value of Tana

(1) ∵ Sina + cosa = 1 / 5 ℅ (Sina + COSA) = 1 / 25 〉 1 + 2sinacosa = 1 / 25 〉 sinacosa = - 12 / 25 (2) ∵ sinacosa = - 12 / 25 < 0 〉 Cosa < 0 (the value range of triangle inner angle a is 0 < a < 180) ∵ is an obtuse triangle (3) Sina = 1 / 5-cosa 〉 sinacosa = (1 / 5-cosa) cos