If the eccentricities passing through hyperbola x2 / a2-y2 / B2 = 1 and ellipse x2 / M2 + Y2 / B2 = 1 (a > 0, M > b > 0) are reciprocal to each other, then the triangle with a, B.M as side length What triangle is it? Can it be an isosceles right triangle?

If the eccentricities passing through hyperbola x2 / a2-y2 / B2 = 1 and ellipse x2 / M2 + Y2 / B2 = 1 (a > 0, M > b > 0) are reciprocal to each other, then the triangle with a, B.M as side length What triangle is it? Can it be an isosceles right triangle?

Is a right triangle
According to the meaning of the title:
Hyperbola: E1 ^ 2 = 1 + B2 / A2
Ellipse: E2 ^ 2 = 1-b2 / m2
That is, (1 + B2 / A2) (1-b2 / m2) = 1
The results show that A2 + B2 = m2,
This △ is RT

On the hyperbola x2 / a2-y2 / B2 = 1 (a > 0, b > 0), the absolute value of the distance difference between a point P and its two focal points is 8, and the inclination angle of an asymptote is 0
If the inclination angle is arctan 3 / 4, make a parallel line of one asymptote through p to intersect another asymptote at point m, and calculate the area s of △ OPM

The absolute value of the distance between point P and his two focal points is 8
The inclination angle of asymptote is arctan 3 / 4
The slope of asymptote is 3 / 4
The asymptote is y = ± B / ax
The hyperbolic equation is X & # 178 / 16-y & # 178 / 9 = 1
Let P coordinate (x0, Y0)
Combined with y = 3 / 4x
Distance from P to OM = | 3x0-4y0 | / 5
The area of OPM is s = 1 / 2 * | 3x0-4y0 | / 5 * √ (4 (x0 / 4 + Y0 / 3) &# 178; + 9 (x0 / 4 + Y0 / 3) &# 178 / 4)
=1/4*|( 3x0-4y0)(x0/4+y0/3)|

If the distance from the apex of hyperbola C: x2-y2 / B2 = 1 (b > 0) to the asymptote is √ 2 / 2, then the eccentricity of hyperbola e E=

The equation of asymptote is y = ± (B / a) X
In this paper, the right vertex a (1,0) of hyperbola is given. An asymptote is y = BX
Point a (1,0), linear equation bx-y = 0. Now apply [formula of distance from point to line] and you can do it yourself

The distance from the right focus F2 of hyperbola x2 / a2-y2 / B2 = 1 (a > 0, b > 0) to the straight line passing through point a (a, 0), B (0, b) is equal to half the length of the imaginary half axis of hyperbola,
Finding the eccentricity of hyperbola

The equation of line AB is x / A + Y / b = 1, which is reduced to BX + ay AB = 0
|Bc-a * 0-ab | / SQR (a ^ 2 + B ^ 2) = B / 2, then (BC AB) / C = B / 2, C = 2A, e = 2