SH, CH, arch, arsh is what trigonometric function? What meaning? There are oblique note type definition. Experts please advise

SH, CH, arch, arsh is what trigonometric function? What meaning? There are oblique note type definition. Experts please advise

SH, ch are hyperbolic sine and cosine functions expressed as (e ^ x-e ^ (- x)) / 2, (e ^ (- x) + e ^ x) / 2;
The following two are anti hyperbolic sine cosine functions. Arch = ln (x + radical (X & # 178; - 1)), arsh = ln (x + radical (X & # 178; + 1))
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The sign sh ch CTH of trigonometric function in Mathematics

They are hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic cosine and hyperbolic cotangent

What trigonometric functions are SH and CH? What do you mean?

Sinh / hyperbolic sine: Sinh (x) = [e ^ X - e ^ (- x)] / 2cosh / hyperbolic cosine: cosh (x) = [e ^ x + e ^ (- x)] / 2tanh / hyperbolic tangent: tanh (x) = Sinh (x) / cosh (x) = [e ^ X - e ^ (- x)] / [e ^ x + e ^ (- x)] coth / hyperbolic coth: coth (x) = cosh (x)

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It is an important abnormal integral function in higher mathematics. How to pronounce it

Gamma function