Why does an equation of degree n have n complex roots? As for how to solve (or can solve) needless to say Of course, the more superficial the better

Why does an equation of degree n have n complex roots? As for how to solve (or can solve) needless to say Of course, the more superficial the better

Solve the equation Z2 = Z (= followed by the conjugate complex number of Z), Z is a complex number

The equation you want to solve is the conjugate of Z ^ 2 = Z, right?
Let z = a + bi (B ≠ 0), then the conjugate of Z = a-bi, substituting into
Then a ^ 2-B ^ 2 = a
The solution is a = - 1 / 2, B = √ 3 / 2 or B = - √ 3 / 2