Derivation of function y = Sinh (x + 1) What does the function Sinh (x + 1) represent? How to find the first derivative? Pay attention to see that it is not a cosine function Is the relationship between sinhx, cosh and SHX, CHX different expressions of the same function?

Derivation of function y = Sinh (x + 1) What does the function Sinh (x + 1) represent? How to find the first derivative? Pay attention to see that it is not a cosine function Is the relationship between sinhx, cosh and SHX, CHX different expressions of the same function?

This is a hyperbolic function Sinh (x) = [e ^ x-e ^ (- x)] / 2, so y = Sinh (x + 1) = [e ^ (x + 1) - e ^ (- x-1)] / 2, so y '= [e ^ (x + 1) * (x + 1)' - e ^ (- x-1) * (- x-1)] / 2 = [e ^ (x + 1) + e ^ (- x-1)] / 2 and coshx = [e ^ x + e ^ (- x)] / 2, so [Sinh (x + 1)] '= cosh (x + 1)

Inverse solution of quintic equation with one variable by MATLAB
It is known that the roots of quintic equation of one variable are - 1, - 2,3,4,6

syms x
f =
>> simple(f)
The equation is