The axis area of a cone is an equilateral triangle whose side length is twice the root 3. The volume of the cone is equal to

The axis area of a cone is an equilateral triangle whose side length is twice the root 3. The volume of the cone is equal to

π 3 times the root

It is known that the cross section of a cone passing through its axis is an equilateral triangle, and the cross section area is 3cm & # 178;, so the bottom area of the cone can be obtained

The section of the axis is an equilateral triangle,
Area of equilateral triangle = 1 / 2 * a * (√ 3) / 2A = (√ 3) / 4A & # 178; = 3 (√ 3), where a is the side length
The bottom area of the cone = π * (A / 2) & # 178; = π A & # 178 / 4 = 3, π = 9.42cm
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If the ratio of the side area to the bottom area of the cone is radical 2, then the apex angle of the cone shaft section is

Let R be the bottom radius of the cone and l be the generatrix length
So π RL = √ 2 π R & # 178;
The section of the cone axis is an isosceles triangle,
The waist is l and the bottom is 2R
Therefore, the apex angle of conical shaft section is 90 degrees

If the generatrix of a cone is 2 cm long and the cross-sectional area passing through the apex and the center of the bottom is 2 square cm, then the side area of the cone is? The answer is 2 (radical 2) π

The top solution of the section is a, the section area = 2 = 1 / 2 * 2 * Sina, Sina = 1, then a = 90 degrees
Bottom diameter 2R = inclined side length of section = 2 √ 2cm
Bus length L = 2
Cone side area s = R / L * π * L ^ 2 = √ 2 / 2 * π * 4 = 2 √ 2 π cm ^ 2

It is known that the image vertex coordinates of quadratic function f (x) = ax ^ 2 + BX + C are (1, - 2), and the analytic expression of function f (x) is obtained through point P (2,1) ①
② If x ∈ [- 4,2], find the maximum and minimum of the function

Let this function be
P (2,1) generation
A = 3
So y = 3 (x-1) ^ 2-2

Let f (x) = AX2 + BX + C (a, B, C ∈ R). If x = - 1 is an extreme point of the function y = f (x) ex, then the following image cannot be ()
A. B. C. D.

From y = f (x) ex = ex (AX2 + BX + C) {y ′ = f ′ (x) ex + ExF (x) = ex [AX2 + (B + 2a) x + B + C], from x = - 1 as an extreme point of function f (x) ex, - 1 is a root of equation AX2 + (B + 2a) x + B + C = 0, so there is a - (B + 2a) + B + C = 0 {C = a

Given the function f (x) = x ^ 3-ax-1, please prove that the image of F (x) = x ^ 3-ax-1 cannot always be above the line y = a

If f (x) = x ^ 3-ax-1, the image cannot always be above the line y = a, that is, when x takes a certain value, f (x) may be less than y, f (x)

In the following figures, it is impossible to be the image of a function y = f (x)______

In the function y = f (x), for every x value, there can only be a unique y corresponding to it. The image of the function y = f (x) and the line parallel to the Y axis can only have at most one intersection point

If we want to know the function f (x) = LNX ax & # 178; - x, a ∈ R, if the function y = f (x) is a monotone increasing function in its domain of definition, we can find the value range of A
We try to use derivatives

Y = LNX ax & # 178; - x, domain x > 0,
A is not equal to 0
Let y '> = 0
Let 2aX ^ 2 + X-10 be constant
If a > 0, then x = - 1 / (4a) 0 is an increasing function
If A0,
Y = 2aX ^ 2 + X-1 is an increasing function on (0, - 1 / (4a)), and a decreasing function on (- 1 / (4a), positive infinity),
So y (max) = y (- 1 / (4a)) = - (8a + 1) / (8a)

Known 1

Let y = f (x) = log (a) (x + √ (x ^ 2-1))
x + √(x^2-1) = a^y
√(x^2-1) = a^y - x
x^2 - 1 = (a^y - x)^2 = x^2 - 2x*a^y + a^2y
2x*a^y = a^2y + 1
x = (a^2y + 1) / 2a^y = [ a^y + a^(-y) ] / 2
So the inverse function of F (x) is:
f^(-1)(x) = [ a^x + a^(-x) ] / 2
The domain of the inverse function of F (x) is the domain of F (x)
Obviously, x + √ (x ^ 2-1) is an increasing function of X, and x > 1
x+√(x^2-1) > 1+√(1^2-1) = 1
But a > 1
f(x) = log(a)( x + √(x^2-1) ) > log(a)(1) = 0
The range of F (x) is: (0, + ∞)
The domain of f ^ (- 1) (x) is also: (0, + ∞)
2、 The second question needs to take advantage of the first
be aware:
g(x) = [ 2^x + 2^(-x) ] / 2 …… (1)
f^(-1)(x) = [ a^x + a^(-x) ] / 2 …… (2)
The two expressions are very similar except that the base of the former is 2 and the latter is a
For (2), the inverse function of F (x) is itself
x = log(a)( f^(-1)(x) + √( [f^(-1)(x)]^2 - 1) ) …… (3)
Similarly, for (1), there is:
x = log(2)( g(x) + √(g^2(x)-1) ) …… (4)
The topic is to compare the size of G (x) and f ^ (- 1) (x) when x is equal
Therefore, we compare g (x) with f ^ (- 1) (x) under the condition that (3) (4) is equal
log(a)( f^(-1)(x) + √( [f^(-1)(x)]^2 - 1) ) = log(2)( g(x) + √(g^2(x)-1) )
Due to a