Love science,

Love science,

My future is not a dream, looking for, looking for When I was a child, I always like to stand by the window and look up at the starry night sky. The night is so deep, quiet and beautiful, giving people a sense of boundlessness. Often, I am fascinated by this beautiful scene, because I know that the dream I am looking for is in this boundless

How to write a scientific paper in grade three of primary school

1、 What is a scientific essay
Some students think that it's a matter of scientific workers to write small scientific papers. This is totally a misunderstanding. Students can not only write but also write high-quality papers
Scientific papers written by scientific workers refer to the scientific research reports written by the authors according to the established scientific research projects and determined scientific research topics, through experiments, observation and other means, to obtain a large number of scientific data, on this basis, to carry out analysis and research, to draw scientific conclusions. The scientific papers written by students are shorter and shallower than the scientific papers written by scientific workers
In fact, a scientific essay is a written summary of the results of scientific observation, experiment or investigation carried out by students in scientific activities inside and outside class. It can be expressed in a variety of forms: it can be a conclusion after careful observation and in-depth thinking of something; it can be a conclusion after analysis of hands-on experiments; it can also be a summary after investigation of a place; it can be a conclusion after careful observation and in-depth thinking of something; We can also draw a conclusion by logical reasoning
So, is there any quality standard for scientific papers? Yes, it must have three requirements
Methods and skills of writing scientific papers
A scientific essay is a summary of a student's scientific research, not a literary work
1. Thesis Title: the title should be consistent with the content of the research, not out of context. The title should be concise, novel and attractive to readers. For example, "why does salted egg yolk produce oil?" is clear and attractive to readers. The title of the research should not be too big, otherwise it is impossible to start
2. Introduction: it is the beginning of the paper, which simply explains the purpose of the research or the reason why the author thought of carrying out the research
3. Materials and research methods: the objects of investigation and observation, the materials and sources of the experiment, the research methods and specific research steps adopted, and the instruments used should be clearly explained so as to withstand the repeated experiments of others
4. Results: it is the argument part of the paper. In addition to using words, it can also use the data, pictures and photos in the table, which is convincing. The authenticity and reliability of the data is the key to the experimental research
5. Discussion: This is the argumentation and argument part of the thesis. What scientific conclusions have been reached through experiments should be explained on the basis of theories. Arguments must be based on scientific research methods and results, and should be appropriate and realistic. If they are divorced from reality and intend to expand the research results, they will lose the scientificity of the thesis, and the result will be nothing
The topic selection of this paper can refer to the related topics of the series, through observation, investigation, experiment and other means. It can also focus on their own labor creativity and production process
2. To write a high-quality scientific and technological essay, we should pay attention to the following points
1. Select a good topic
When writing a small scientific paper, we should first consider what to write, that is, the choice of topics. Choosing topics is the key to writing a good paper. We should pay attention to the following principles: the principle of value, that is, the theoretical value and practical value of the topic selection. It should be enlightening, instructive and referential to other students; the principle of feasibility, that is, the possibility of subjective and objective conditions, That is to say, the professional knowledge, theoretical accomplishment, knowledge, materials on hand, experimental conditions and surrounding environment of the writer should not be greedy and deep, but should be carried out according to his ability; the novelty principle refers to that the topic should be not studied or studied but not solved or completely solved by others, and attention should be paid to "culture valued innovation"
2. Topic
The title of a good paper is like an item. A good title can make a person clap the table and be unforgettable at a glance. It is like an advertisement to promote a product and plays a key role in attracting readers, For example, the title of a scientific paper written by a classmate is "the decontamination principle of soap and the optimal concentration of laundry". When you look at the title, you can know the content of the paper at a glance, For example, the title of a scientific essay written by a middle school student is "research and production of electrostatic dust removal blackboard eraser". The title is small and specific, and students can make a profound exposition, No unique opinion, no new discovery, no matter how well expressed, no matter how powerful the argument, it's a waste of time for a blind man to light a lamp
3. Write a good opening
The beginning of the article is in a special position of setting the tone, which has always been paid attention to by writers. The ancients said, "if you don't get it right, it will be messy and floating". Although the beginning is short, it is an organic part of the whole article, which prompts the author's thoughts and interception of many materials. Therefore, before writing, you must have a general grasp of the whole article
There are many beginnings of scientific papers. There is no fixed format, but there are rules to follow. Therefore, we need to understand the techniques of various beginnings and use them flexibly according to the actual writing
1. Example method
For example, in the article "a mechanics problem which is easy to solve wrong", the author puts forward a mechanics problem which students are familiar with and easy to make mistakes at the beginning, and states the wrong solution process to the readers, which arouses readers' strong interest and makes them eager to finish the full text, In order to know what is wrong with this problem
2. Reveal the background
For example, the article "countermeasures for the prevention and control of environmental pollution in township industry" begins like this: "since the reform and opening up, the rapid rise and vigorous development of township enterprises have created a lot of material wealth, A series of profound changes have taken place in the rural economy. In some developed and relatively developed areas, township enterprises have become an important pillar of the rural economy and an important part of the national economy. However, with the rapid development of township enterprises, the impact of township industry on environmental pollution and ecological damage has become increasingly prominent
At the beginning of this paper, the research problems are closely linked with the development trend of the proposition, the environmental pollution and the ecological damage caused by the township industry, so that people realize the urgency of controlling environmental pollution
3. Point out the harm law
Many argumentative and error correcting essays often point out some disadvantages, which makes people suddenly surprised and aware of the urgency of solving problems
4. Summarize the argument method
In the preface, the author presents the main points to the readers, giving them a sense of wholeness, which is just like giving the readers a bunch of keys. To read on is to try to open a door
5. Set up question method
The main purpose of setting questions is to leave readers suspense and make them eager to pay attention to the problems under the drive of curiosity
These are five ways to write the beginning of a scientific paper. It is worth noting that there are too many ways to start, and all kinds of methods are often organically combined, infiltrated and used
IV. main points
There are many and complex experience materials. How can they be integrated into the central argument in an orderly way? In the main part of a small paper, it is easy to use the method of divided discussion. The advantages of this writing method are strong organization, clear hierarchy, and comprehensive and profound three-dimensional sense. Of course, every point of view must be the crystallization of careful consideration, with strong generality, objectivity, and innovation
5. Make good use of materials
Science and technology essay is not simply to list the materials on hand. Its essential feature is deep reasoning. The guidance of laws. Viewpoints and materials complement each other. The value of the essay is reflected in the value of the topic, and the value of the topic is reflected through the demonstration of materials. The organic integration of the two will form a good science and technology essay
General knowledge of manuscript writing
In order to reduce the difficulties of editors and errors in typesetting, the author should also pay attention to mastering some common sense in writing scientific papers
Generally speaking, we should pay attention to the following problems: the manuscript should be written clearly on standard manuscript paper (or printed by computer). Punctuation takes up one space for each space. Explanatory words that do not need to be typeset should be marked with pencil. Standardized simplified words should be used to prevent typos, not to mention making up new words, Generally, Arabic numerals are used for numbers. The century, year, month, day, hour, minute and second of A.D. are all Arabic numerals. The year cannot be abbreviated (for example, 1999 cannot be abbreviated to 99). The number of more than five digits can be expressed in "hundred million" or "ten thousand" units. The number of more than four digits can be linked without dividing nodes. The foreign letters and chemical symbols should be written correctly and clearly, The case must be clear, and the pencil should be used to indicate the type of play, italics and upper and lower corner marks. This content should be written in accordance with the middle school textbook. The arrangement of each line position in the chemical structure formula must be accurate. The mathematical formula and chemical equation should be written separately in the middle, and the standard font should be used. The standard punctuation and other symbols should be used, Dashes in two spaces, ellipsis in two spaces, connection marks in half space, and other symbols in one space. Pay attention to the position of Dun, comma, colon, semicolon, quotation marks; the units of measurement involved in the manuscript should use legal units of measurement, and the legal Chinese name should be used in the text description; the table in the manuscript should be clearly filled in by the author. The table number and table name are generally in front of the table, When the same table is written on another page, the word "continuation table" should be indicated in the front. There is no punctuation mark at the end of the text in the table, and it goes back to the top of the line. The text can describe the content clearly, and generally no illustrations are used. The use of illustrations must play the role of both pictures and texts. Attention should be paid to the connection and collocation of words and illustrations, and the illustrations should be numbered in order
Scientific papers
Why is the trunk round
In the process of observing the nature, I happened to find that the shape of the trunk is almost round - empty cone shape. Why is the trunk conical? What are the advantages of conical trunk? In order to explore these problems, I conducted a more in-depth observation, analysis and research
With the help of my tutor, I consulted the relevant information and learned that the stem of a plant has the function of supporting the plant body, transporting water and other nutrients. The stem of a tree is mainly composed of vascular bundles. The supporting role of the stem is mainly borne by the wood fiber of the xylem. Although the stem of a woody plant will be thickened year by year, the amount of wood fiber in the stem is certain within a certain period of time, That is, the cross-sectional area of the stem of a tree is fixed. Next, we focus on the cross-sectional area of the trunk