Angiosperms are classified according to which of the following characteristics () a, B, C, D, flowers and fruits

Angiosperms are classified according to which of the following characteristics () a, B, C, D, flowers and fruits

The current classification is the Engeler system, which is based on flowers and fruits

When classifying plants, we should carefully observe the morphological structure of plants, especially the root, stem and leaf

No, these characteristics show great differences under the influence of different environments. Through the long-term efforts of plant taxonomists, a complementary plant classification system has been formed, which is mainly composed of reproductive organs such as flowers and fruits, supplemented by leaf types, because in the long process of evolution, the occurrence of these structures presupposes the normal vegetative growth of plants, Rich nutrition often leads to normal and cumbersome reproductive structure

What is the first plant to differentiate into roots, stems and leaves?

Ferns are the first plants to differentiate into rhizomes and leaves
In the evolutionary history of plants, the first differentiation of pteridophytes is not only the root, stem and leaf, but also the root in the true sense. Instead of the pseudoroot and short stem of bryophytes, pteridophytes become more suitable for land growth