What's the wind of primary school science today? Teaching design

What's the wind of primary school science today? Teaching design

What's the wind today? The specific goals of Li Wangjun's education and teaching in Taoxi Primary School of Jintan are: 1. Be able to use senses and simple equipment to study the characteristics of wind; 2. Be able to use a variety of ways to express the observed phenomena. Knowledge and skills: 1. Know the characteristics of wind; 2. Be able to use some common materials to make wind vane

What are the characteristics of mesophyte leaves

Mesophyte is a terrestrial plant with the most species, the most extensive distribution and the largest number. It can not endure severe drought or long-term waterlogging, and can only live in the environment with moderate water conditions. Most of the plants on land belong to this kind. There are cuticles on the leaves, and palisade tissues are arranged orderly, The root system and transport tissue are more developed than those of hygrophytes, which can resist short-term drought. There are intercellular spaces in the leaves, and there is no complete ventilation system, so they can not live in the waterlogging environment for a long time. Some species live in the near hygrophytic environment, which is called hygrophytic mesophyte, such as coconut, water banyan, poplar, willow, etc, It is called xerophyte, such as locust, masson pine and Eucalyptus. In between, it is called true mesophyte, such as camphor, litchi, longan, etc

The function of plant lower epidermis cells

Transpiration, lower epidermis stomata, can reduce water loss
Also can photosynthesis, weaker