The life of plants in the seventh grade Thank you, now! Help

The life of plants in the seventh grade Thank you, now! Help

1. D 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. Too much trouble! 7. B 8. C 9. Seed germination, plant flowering and fruiting 10. Sepal petals attract insects 11. (1): petal sepal receptacle (2): [{3} anther] (3): [{2} stigma] [{4} style] [{6} ovary] (4): ovule 12. (1) structure (2) sepal petal stamen (3) [5] [5] [1] (4) [1] 13. [5] 14. (1) C A (2) C (3) [A and b] [a]
OK! Give me more points!

Common animals in Section 2 of science exercise book B (1)

I must have asked the whole question in the exercise book
I'm sorry I can't answer --

Problems of Plant Science in Grade Seven
A cucumber only blooms but does not bear fruit, which means that the cucumber can not develop into fruit without it
Blank space
There are spaces before and after commas

Pollination ovary