What are the states of water? What are the changes between these States and why

What are the states of water? What are the changes between these States and why

Solid liquid gas

Fill in the brackets to indicate the conditions for the mutual transformation of different forms of water
Fill in the conversion conditions in brackets:
Water vapor (ice)
Water vapor
Steam () water
Water vapor
Water (ice)
Ice water

Condensation, sublimation, liquefaction, vaporization, solidification, melting

What will happen to the form of water?

Water: vaporizes into water vapor and solidifies into ice
Ice: melts into water, sublimates into steam
Water vapor: liquefying into water, condensing into ice

Various morphological changes of water

Under normal pressure, the water we usually see is liquid. When the temperature drops below zero, it is solid, that is, ice. When the temperature is higher than 100 ℃, it is gaseous, that is, water vapor. That is to say, water has three states: solid state, liquid state and gas state

Energy conversion of water?
Water from low to high, what energy is converted into what energy;
Water from high to low, what energy is transformed into what energy;
Water heating, electrolysis, freezing, etc

The gravitational potential energy of water increases from low to high, and the energy conversion depends on the situation
Water from high to low is the conversion of its gravitational potential energy into its kinetic energy
Water heating depends on how you heat it. If it's a furnace, the chemical energy of fossil fuel is converted into the internal energy of water
Electrolysis is a chemical reaction, which is the internal energy of converting electric energy into hydrogen and oxygen
Freezing means that water turns into ice, and water turns into ice by exothermic heat, that is, the internal energy of water turns into energy in the air!

What are the forms of heat exchange? How does heat transfer in vacuum?
Hope there is love in children's shoes, can give an answer with an example~

I can tell you frankly that you are looking for the right person
There are three forms of heat exchange: heat conduction, heat convection and heat radiation
Let me give you a brief explanation
Heat conduction is heat conduction, or heat conduction for short. Heat conduction is realized by the thermal vibration of particles. The necessary condition for heat conduction is that there is a temperature difference inside the object, so the heat is transferred from the high temperature part to the low temperature part. For example, if you barbecue with metal chopsticks, your hands will feel very hot. This is heat conduction;
Thermal convection refers to the phenomenon that heat spreads from one part of the space to another through the flowing medium. For example, wind blowing, regardless of the East, West, North and south winds, is the form of thermal convection, as well as Ocean warm current;
The phenomenon that an object radiates electromagnetic wave due to its temperature. Generally, the thermal radiation mainly depends on the long wavelength of visible light and infrared. Since the propagation of electromagnetic wave does not need any medium, the thermal radiation is the only way of heat transfer in vacuum, such as infrared oven
As mentioned above, generally speaking, thermal radiation is the only form of heat conduction in vacuum. Of course, if two objects contact each other, they can exchange heat through conduction

What is the endothermic evaporation of water? Why can it be transformed? What is the difference between the transformation and transfer of energy?

Heat energy is converted into molecular energy (water molecules)
Energy conversion is relative to energy, and it is generally the conversion between different energies of the same object, and the change of energy properties (for example, the conversion of kinetic energy and potential energy is called conversion between different energies);
Energy transfer refers to the transfer of energy between different objects. The property of energy is not changed (for example, heat transfer is the conversion of heat energy)

What color is the polluted water

Look at the diversity of pollutants, especially printing and dyeing wastewater
Colorless, transparent, should also look at the test results, such as sulfate wastewater, is clear and transparent, but the salt exceeds the standard. Lime wastewater is also clear, that is, pH is very high. Polluted wastewater is based on the test results, eyes can not explain the problem. Sewage according to the physical pollution: dissolved into water, insoluble into water, colloidal substances, etc

Primary school scientific experiment report: color and heat absorption

Color and heat absorption of objects
Problem generation:
On Sunday morning, my mother and I were hanging the clothes on the balcony. My mother picked up my father's two clothes, a slightly thick black coat and a thin white shirt, and asked: do you think the black clothes should be dried first or the white shirt should be dried first? I compared the thickness of the two clothes and said without thinking: of course, the white clothes should be dried first
At about 3:30 in the afternoon, I ran out of the balcony and touched two pieces of clothes. I found that the thick black clothes were all dry, but the white shirt was not. What's the matter?
Guess and analysis:
The drying of wet clothes is actually the process of water absorbing heat and evaporation. Black clothes dry first, which means that black clothes absorb more heat than white shirts. But black clothes dry first than white clothes. Is it possible that the color of objects is related to the amount of heat absorbed?
Design and test:
Experiment 1: I took out two pieces of cloth with the same texture and thickness from the warehouse - one is white, the other is black. I put them into the same basin of water at the same time, soaked them and picked them up at the same time, twisted them together, wrung the two pieces of cloth together (so that they retain the same amount of water), and then hung them on the balcony to air at the same time
Measurement results: (during drying, the change of cloth is as follows)
10min 20min one hour two hours three hours
The white cloth stops dripping, moistens and dries slightly. The upper part is dry and the lower part is not
The black cloth stopped dripping and wetting. There was a lot of steam. The upper half of the cloth was obviously dry, most of it was dry, and the bottom was still wet. It was completely dry. It was obvious that the cloth became hot
Therefore, I can confirm that under the same conditions, the soaked black cloth dries first than the white cloth. That is to say, the black cloth has better heat absorption capacity than the white cloth
The new problems are as follows
Black cloth has better heat absorption ability than white cloth, so what is the heat absorption relationship of other objects?
Experiment 2: I borrowed a thermometer from the laboratory, and took two identical black and white boxes from home, and filled some water in the box. A hole was opened in the top of the box to allow the thermometer to enter
Measurement object
Time temperature (℃) water in black paper box water in white paper box
Start 19 19
2 min later 21 19.5
4 min later 22.5 20
6 min later 24 20
8 min later 26 20
After 10 min, 26 21
After 15 min, 28.22.5
20 min later 29 23
According to the measurement results, I found that the water temperature in the black carton rose 10 ℃ in 20 minutes, while the water temperature in the white carton rose only 4 ℃ in 20 minutes. Combined with the above two experiments, I think that the heat absorption ability of the black object is stronger than that of the colored object, that is, the heat absorption ability of the black object is stronger than that of the white object
A new question arises: do other colors have the same heat absorption capacity except black and white
Experiment 3: I added 100ml of red, yellow, blue, green and purple water made of pigment and water into five identical glasses. With the help of my sister, I put five glasses on the roof and measured the temperature of various colors of water after a certain time with a thermometer
Time temperature (℃) red water yellow water blue water green water purple water
19 at the beginning
10 min later 23.521.523
15 min later 25 24 25
20 min later, 26.5 25.5 27
25 min later 27.5
30 min later 28.5 27.5
According to the experimental results, I think different colors of water in the sun's heat absorption ability is not the same, at the same time, I also found that the deeper the color, the stronger the heat absorption ability
Conclusion: after nearly a week's experiment, I come to a conclusion: the heat absorption ability of an object is related to the color of the object, and the darker the color is, the stronger the heat absorption ability is

Information about water, the more detailed the better, what pollution, color, taste, size, shape

Water (chemical formula: H &; o) is an inorganic substance composed of hydrogen and oxygen. It is a colorless and odorless transparent liquid under normal temperature and pressure. Water includes natural water (rivers, lakes, atmospheric water, seawater, groundwater, etc.) and artificial water (water is obtained by combining hydrogen and oxygen through chemical reaction)