Text translation of unit 2 of PEP English Elective 7

Text translation of unit 2 of PEP English Elective 7

Text translation of English Elective 7unit3

Unit 3 under the sea reading old Tom the killer whale
In June 1902, I started working in a whaling station when I was only 16 years old. Before that, I had heard that killer whales helped whalers catch big whales every year. At that time, I thought it was just a story, but later I saw it many times with my own eyes
One afternoon, when I came to the whaling station and was looking for a place to live, I heard a noise coming from the other side of the bay. We got to the shore in time and saw a huge animal leaping out of the sea and then falling into the water. It was black and white. It looked like a fish, but I knew it was not a fish
"That's old Tom. It's a killer whale," a whaler named George said to me in a loud voice. "It's telling us there's a whale over there. It's telling us to hunt."
Another whaler yelled, "let's go Let's go. "That's the call for the whale hunt to begin soon
"Clancy, get on, get on the boat," George said as he ran in front of me. I've heard before that George didn't like waiting for people. So even though I hadn't put on the right clothes, I ran behind him
All the time, we and other whalers jumped into the fishing boat and headed for the bay. I looked into the water and saw old Tom swimming beside the fishing boat and guiding us. A few minutes later, Tom disappeared, so George began to paddle the water. Tom appeared, turned back to the boat and led us to the hunting place
Through the telescope, we can see something happened in the distance. A closer look, it turned out that a big whale was attacked by about six or seven killer whales
I asked George, "what are they doing?"
"Ah, they're fighting together - the killer whales are rushing to the whale's blowhole to keep it from breathing, while the other killer whales are preventing it from diving or running away." George told me as he pointed to the hunting scene. At that moment, the best scene appeared. The killer whales began to chase between our fishing boat and the whale, just like a group of mad hunting dogs
So the harpoon was ready. The man standing in the bow aimed the fork at the whale, threw it out, and hit the key point. The whale was seriously injured and died soon. In a moment, the body of the whale was about to be quickly towed to the deep sea by the killer whales. The whaler turned the bow and went back
"What's the matter?" I asked. "Have we lost the whale?"
Jack replied, "no, we'll come back tomorrow to transport the carcass of the whale. It won't surface in 24 hours."
Rhett added with a smile: "old Tom and the other killer whales will have a good meal during this time. The lip and tongue are their delicacies."
Although old Tom and other killer whales are vicious, they never hurt or attack people. In fact, they also protect people. One day, when we went out to sea to hunt whales, James was washed into the water
George cried out, "somebody's overboard! Turn the bow back!"
The sea was rough that day, and it was hard to turn the bow. The waves drove James farther and farther away from us. I could see from James's face that he was very scared, for fear of being abandoned by us. Then we saw a shark
I screamed, "look, there's a shark over there."
Rhett replied, "don't worry, old Tom won't let it near."
It took us half an hour to turn the boat around and go back to where James fell into the water. When we got close to him, I saw old Tom holding James firmly in the water. I could hardly believe my eyes
When we pulled James on the fishing boat, everyone cheered "good old Tom", "thank God". Later, old Tom left and went back to the hunting place to hunt with other killer whales
Unit 3 under the sea using language a new dimension of life
January 19th
I sat under the warm night sky, holding a cold drink in my hand, and recalled what happened that day - it was a magical day! This morning, I was snorkeling on the coral reef near the sea, which was a wonderful experience I had never experienced before. Seeing such a strange beauty, every cell around me woke up, as if I had discovered a new living space
The first thing I noticed was the bright colors around me - purple, red, orange, bright yellow, blue and green. The corals were all weird - some shaped like fans, plates, heads and bars, some like mushrooms, branches and antlers. There were a variety of small, neat, elegant fish walking through the corals, or around the corals
I'm swimming in those schools of fish, and they don't seem to care. I especially like the small orange and white fish that hide in the undulating slender seaweed. I also like the small fish that clean the body of the big fish - I even see the small fish swim into the mouth of the big fish to help them brush their teeth, There seemed to be something that surprised me in every corner: the yellow and green parrotfish hanging upside down, sucking tiny plants from coral with its bird like beak; the red sea slug with yellow spots gliding past a blue starfish; and a big smart turtle passing close to me, and I could almost touch it
There are some other animals that I don't want to get too close to - an eel with sharp teeth, just sticking its head out of the cave and watching the fish come (or waiting for my delicious toes to come); a huge clam half hidden in the coral reef, swimming East and west to its wide green lips. Then, there are two gray coral sharks, Each one is about 1.5 meters long, and suddenly swam out from behind the coral. I said to myself that they were not dangerous, but I couldn't restrain my fear of death at all
The sea is shallow, but at the end of the coral reef, there is a steep slope, which goes down to the bottom of the sea full of sand. It is a sign of the boundary. When I swim over the edge of the coral reef, float on it and look down at the bottom of the sea, I think I am very brave. My heart is beating rapidly - in such deep and clear water, I feel I am completely exposed
How wonderful and boundless the underwater world is! And how small I am in the ocean world!

English translation
Tom rides his bike to school every day.He puts it in the garden of the school.There are many bikes there.After school the students go home by bike.Sometimes a policeman stops them all and lets the cars go by.Some students carry heavy bags of books with them .One day Tom and Jack were on one bike.The policeman stopped them.Jack was angry.“I am ill.Let us go.” He shouted at the policeman.“Don’t shout at him,” Tom said.“He is right.It ’s his duty.”

Tom rides his bike to school every day.He puts it in the garden of the school.There are many bikes there.After school the students go home by bike.Sometimes a policeman stops them all and lets the car...

English translation
There are 55 pages left, the one above judging right or wrong, and the one below filling in the form

Please pay attention! Air China flight to Kunming is now boarding at entrance No.2. Please take your personal belongings and boarding pass
Bon Voyage!
Judge right or wrong: B a B

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What did you do yesterday?
Grammatical annotation explains the English pronunciation of did: [did] the American pronunciation: [D & # 618; D]
The following results are explained by the dictionary provided by YiDianTong
(past tense of do)
The following results are from the definition of Internet
1. General past tense
How many tenses are there in English
Past tense: did
1. Degaussing off
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Did degaussing off

English translation
Novels can help us to improve our literary accomplishment without making us feel irritable, and also improve our reading level and interest
That's it

Novels can help us improve our literary cultivation,and they won't bore us.At the same time they can subconsciously improve our reading abilities and interests in reading.

English, textbook, PEP, all the words in English
By initials
All words

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