How to judge the degree of pollution according to the color of river water

How to judge the degree of pollution according to the color of river water

Chromaticity is only one of the water quality standards. Other indicators include COD (reactive organic pollutant pollution), turbidity, petroleum, total number of bacteria, inorganic salt, and single pollutant index of various industries. From the perspective of chromaticity, if chromaticity exceeds the standard, the water quality is definitely unqualified. If chromaticity does not exceed the standard, it does not mean that the water quality is good, Because many pollution indicators are not reflected in the color

Why is the color of China's sea water not blue? Is it the color itself or pollution

The main reason is that there are a large number of rivers flowing into China's coastal areas, and the sediment in the rivers is brought into the sea, making the sea water slightly yellow
If there are other colors, most of them are due to pollution

A small scientific experiment on water
The teacher asked us to do a small scientific experiment before class. It's best to do something new about water
Before class means to show it to students and teachers a few minutes before class. It should be ornamental

The coke can is filled with the right amount of water, which can make the coke can stand at an angle of 45 degrees. You can do it. It's amazing. Remember to have a pop-up can

Chinese people study science as a tool, while Westerners study science for science
What is the meaning of "science for science"?
Does the first "science" refer to "science of Science: Philosophy"

First of all, to answer your supplementary question, first, science is not philosophy. Philosophy is regarded as the science of science, which belongs to ancient Greece. In modern times, science has been independent from philosophy
For the sake of science, I think it has two meanings. One is to abandon the utilitarianism of scientific research; the other is to treat science purely from the perspective of natural science and abandon the interference of humanism

What does temperature mean

Temperature 1. (temperature): temperature is the physical quantity that indicates the degree of cold and hot of an object. Microscopically speaking, it is the intensity of thermal motion of molecules

What's the definition of temperature? What's the common expression of temperature!

The temperature of the atmosphere is referred to as air temperature. Air temperature is the air temperature at the specified height of ground meteorological observation (i.e. 1.25-2.00 meters, 1.5 meters in China). The temperature has regular temperature (4 observations per day at the basic station and 24 observations per day at the base station), daily maximum temperature and daily minimum temperature

The meaning of temperature is (_ )Regulation of temperature scale ()

Generally speaking, it is the degree of cold and hot of the object, scientifically speaking, it is the degree of intense motion of the internal molecules of the material. The temperature scale is about the temperature zero point and the graduation method. The centigrade temperature scale stipulates that the freezing point of water is 0 degrees, the boiling point is 100 degrees, and the middle part is 100 parts, which is a temperature interval

The meaning of temperature

Temperature of near surface atmosphere

Meaning of temperature K

Kelvin, the thermodynamic temperature scale or absolute temperature scale, is the unit of temperature in the international system of units. It was invented by William Thomson, the first generation of Irish Lord Kelvin. Its name is Kelvin according to the inventor's title. The symbol is k, but without "°". In 1927, the Seventh International Conference on Metrology took the thermodynamic temperature scale as the most basic temperature scale
Kelvin thermometer (abbreviated as "K") is widely used in scientific work
The Kelvin temperature scale is established with an ideal gas, and its zero point is called absolute zero. According to the kinetic theory, when the temperature is at absolute zero, the kinetic energy of gas molecules is zero. For convenience, the scale interval of Kelvin thermometer is consistent with that of centigrade thermometer, that is, one degree on Kelvin thermometer is equal to one degree on centigrade thermometer, The freezing point of water is 0 ℃ and the Kelvin thermometer is 273.15k
Kelvin = C + 273.15
Centigrade = Kelvin - 273.15

What is the concept of 100% air humidity
Is 100% the maximum air humidity? Can it exceed 100%?

Relative humidity is the percentage ratio of the actual moisture content (absolute humidity) in the air to the saturation humidity (maximum possible moisture content) at the same temperature. It is only a relative number and does not indicate the absolute size of the humidity in the air
Under certain temperature conditions, a certain volume of air can only hold a certain amount of water vapor. If the amount of water vapor reaches the limit that the air can hold water vapor, then the air will reach saturation state, and the relative humidity is 100%. Under the saturation state, water will no longer evaporate. In hot summer, the sweat secreted by the human body is difficult to evaporate and feel sultry, In autumn, people sometimes encounter the "autumn tiger" of high temperature. However, due to the obvious decrease of humidity, people sweat all over, but rarely feel "stuffy". If people encounter low temperature and high humidity in winter, they will feel damp and cold. Too little humidity in the air will also make people feel uncomfortable. When southerners first come to the north, coastal people often feel dry lips and even nosebleed, This is a question of human adaptability
100% is the maximum. If the water vapor in the air exceeds the saturation, it should condense into water droplets