If △ ABC ≌ △ DEF is known, if △ ABC and perimeter are 38, ab = 14, AC = 8, try to find the length of EF respectively 5 yuan fortune reward

If △ ABC ≌ △ DEF is known, if △ ABC and perimeter are 38, ab = 14, AC = 8, try to find the length of EF respectively 5 yuan fortune reward

So EF = BC = 38-14-8 = 16

If triangle ABC is equal to triangle def, the perimeter of triangle DEF is 34cm, de = 10cm, EF = 13cm, then the length of AC is

If DF equals 34 minus 10 minus 13, then AC equals DF, 11cm

If △ ABC ≌ Δ DEF is known, if the circumference of △ ABC is 38, ab = 8, BC = 12, then de =? EF =? DF =?

8 \12\18