If a = B, then a = B (fill in "true" or "false") proposition, its inverse proposition is, it is (fill in "true" or "false") proposition

If a = B, then a = B (fill in "true" or "false") proposition, its inverse proposition is, it is (fill in "true" or "false") proposition

False proposition
If a = B, then a = B is true

The following propositions are all true. Write their inverse propositions. Are these inverse propositions true?
(1) The two straight lines are parallel and the same angle is equal;
(2) If two real numbers are positive, their product is positive
(3) An equilateral triangle is an acute triangle
(4) The point on the vertical bisector of a line segment is equal to the distance between the two ends of the line segment

(1) If two real numbers are positive, their product is positive. If the product of two real numbers is positive, then both real numbers are positive. For example: - 1 × (- 2) = 2

If the length A.B.C of three line segments satisfies C square = a square - b square, is the triangle composed of these three line segments a right triangle? Why?

C square = a square - b square
The judging method of right triangle is as follows
Decision 3: if the square of a + the square of B = the square of C, then the triangle with a, B and C as sides is a right triangle with C as hypotenuse (the inverse theorem of Pythagorean theorem)
So the triangle formed by these three lines is a right triangle