If the height on the bottom of an isosceles triangle is 3cm and the waist length is 3cm, the vertex angle is degree

If the height on the bottom of an isosceles triangle is 3cm and the waist length is 3cm, the vertex angle is degree

The hypotenuse must be bigger than the right angle. The hypotenuse is equal to the right angle in the title

If the vertex angle of isosceles triangle is 120 ° and the median line on the bottom is 4cm, the waist length is______ cm.

As shown in the figure, ab = AC, ad is the middle line of the bottom edge BC, ∪ ad ⊥ BC, ad = 4cm, ∪ BAC = 120 °, ab = AC ∪ B = ∪ C = (180 ° - ∪ BAC) / - 2 = 30 °∪ AB = 2ad = 8cm (the right angle opposite the 30 ° angle is half of the hypotenuse)