What is the meaning of decimal

What is the meaning of decimal

Decimals are composed of integral parts, decimal parts and decimal points. When measuring objects, we often get numbers that are not integers. The ancients invented decimals to supplement integers. Decimals are a special form of decimal fractions. Denominators are 10, 100, 1000 All fractions can be expressed as decimals, except infinite non cyclic decimals. Irrational numbers are infinite non cyclic decimals

What is the definition of decimal

Decimals are composed of integral parts, decimal parts and decimal points. When measuring objects, we often get numbers that are not integers. The ancients invented decimals to supplement integers. Decimals are a special form of decimal fractions

What is the concept of decimal
The concept of decimal is not an interpretative concept
What are the characteristics of decimals?
What is the definition of decimal?

A fraction whose denominator is 10, 100 or 1000 is rewritten as a number without denominator