Give some examples about inequality in real life

Give some examples about inequality in real life

According to the "weather forecast" of Lishui meteorological station, the minimum temperature today is 17 ℃, the maximum temperature is 25 ℃, so the range of today's weather temperature T (℃) is () (a) t < 17 (b) t > 25 (c) t = 21 (d) 17 ≤ t ≤ 25, the minimum temperature is 17 ℃

Try to give an example of inequality in life
Speed answered!

It's 11 yuan for less than 3 kilometers and 2 yuan per kilometer for more than 3 kilometers

Can you give a living example to illustrate the practical significance of the inequality 2x + 5 > 11?

The two brothers had the same amount of money. They wanted to buy a bunch of carnations for their mother, but the money was still not enough. So they borrowed 5 yuan from other students. This time, it was enough. Then they had at least how much money each had

Can you give some examples of the importance of congenital inheritance over acquired environment?
We had a little debate. Unfortunately, I fell into this proposition,
The more arguments, the better

You will suffer a lot in examples, because examples like this one are not easy to be confirmed, but not easy to be noticed and spread by the public. Weakness in examples is inevitable. In the process of debate, we should try our best to avoid the heavy and take the light, use on-the-spot play and some small skills to shift the focus of contradictions, confuse the public, and let the other party follow you

Decomposition exercises of force
A force bypasses the pulley and pulls an object to move up slowly (not to the highest point) on the spherical surface. How does the tension change with the force on the rounded surface of the object?

Do the force analysis, we will find that the object is subject to three forces, the gravity is vertical downward, the spherical elastic force is upward along the radius & nbsp;, the tensile force is changing obliquely upward, observe the relationship between the radius, vertical direction, and rope tensile direction in the sphere, we can get two similar triangles, according to the similarity proportional, we can get the corresponding conclusion, If there is any doubt, I can go on to further answer: the ball is subjected to gravity mg, the rope tension F1, and the spherical supporting force F2; if F1 and F2 are properly translated, a force triangle BDC is formed, which is similar to the geometric triangle ABO: F1 / x = F2 / r = mg / H & nbsp; = = = & gt; F1 = MGX / h, X decreases, F1 decreases; F2 = Mgr / h, the size is constant, and the direction changes

In a rectangular room of a hotel, for example, in order to make the living room spacious, a plane mirror as big as the wall is installed on one wall of the room. This is achieved by using the principle of

Reflection of imaging light from plane mirror

As shown in the figure is the experimental schematic diagram for studying the refraction law of light; the experimental measurement data of different incident angles and corresponding refraction angles are recorded in the table below (1) Please take the case of light entering into glass from air as an example, analyze the experimental data (the experimental data with the same rule can also be obtained when light enters into other transparent media from air), and summarize the refraction rule of light entering into other transparent media from air (complete). The incidence angle is I 10 ° 20 ° 30 ° 40 ° 50 ° 60 ° 70 ° 80 ° The refraction angle is 6.7 ° 13.3 ° 19.6 ° 25.2 ° 30.7 ° 35.1 ° 38.6 ° 40.6 ° a. the refracted light is in the same plane with the incident light and the normal, and is located on both sides of the normal respectively______ (2) please compare the experimental data quantitatively______ .

(1) In the table B, the incident angle I increases gradually from 10 ° to 80 ° and the refraction angle γ increases gradually from 6.7 ° to 40.6 ° and the corresponding refraction angle is always less than the incident angle. Therefore, the answer is: B. the incident angle increases and the refraction angle also increases; but the refraction angle is always less than the incident angle. (2) from the data in the table, it can be seen that the incident angle is 10 ° and the refraction angle is 6.7 ° and the incidence angle becomes 20 The results show that when the incident angle is small, the incident angle increases several times and the refraction angle approximately increases several times; when the incident angle increases many times, the relationship is no longer the same Therefore, the answer is: when the incident angle is small, the incident angle I is approximately proportional to the refraction angle γ; when the incident angle is large, the proportional relationship no longer holds

1. On a rainy night, you can hear thunder 8 seconds after a lightning, and the rumble lasts for 6 seconds. How far is the place where the lightning stops? (the sound speed in the air is 340m / s)
2. How far is a person from the cliff? (same as above)
3. It is known that the distance from Fuhu to Nanjing is about 92KM. How many hours does it take for the train from Fuhu to Nanjing at 200km / h?


There is a wooden block floating in the same tank filled with water
A. The buoyancy of the wood floating in the fish tank is greater than that of the gravity. B. put two fish tanks on the platform scale respectively, and the indication of the platform scale is the same. C. add some salt to the fish tank, and the buoyancy of the wood increases. D. the water pressure on the bottom of the fish tank with wood is greater

A. Because the block floats, the buoyancy is equal to the gravity. So the statement a is wrong. B. the buoyancy of the block is equal to the gravity of the drain water, while the gravity of the block floats is equal to the buoyancy, so the gravity of the block is equal to the gravity of the drain water. Therefore, put the two fish tanks on the platform scale, and the indication of the platform scale is the same. So the statement B is correct According to the formula P = ρ GH, because the density of liquid is equal, the depth of liquid is equal, so the pressure is equal. So the statement of D is wrong. So we choose B

What is the buoyancy of 8.9n copper immersed in a cup full of water? How many grams of water is spilled? (P copper = 8.9 * 10 & sup3; kg / M & sup3;)

Volume of copper block V
=M / P Cu = mg / GP Cu = g / GP Cu = 8.9n / [(10N / kg) * (8.9kg / DM ^ 3)] = 0.1dm ^ 3
Buoyancy f = gravity of drained water G '= pwater * VG = 1kg / DM ^ 3 * (0.1dm ^ 3) * (10N / kg) = 1n
The mass of overflow water M '= m'g / g = g' / g = 1n / (10N / kg) = 0.1kg