The real story of your life as a blessing in disguise It's a composition. It's a preface

The real story of your life as a blessing in disguise It's a composition. It's a preface

For example, in a holiday, the company holiday, the next day you have a fever, and unfortunately, your friends are planning to go somewhere to play, invite you to go, but you can only watch them go
Then your girlfriends will take care of you all day, but your friends are stuck on the road because of too many people going out on holidays, and the time of the day is wasted

A blessing in disguise
Want examples

I was originally a middle school teacher. Because of some human factors in the job transfer, I was sent to the primary school. Although I feel that I am not talented enough, the primary school Chinese teaching has made my pronunciation more accurate. I got 90 points in this Putonghua test

A blessing in disguise: the change of misfortune and happiness!
"A blessing in disguise" uses a series of facts to illustrate the mutual transformation between misfortune and happiness. Please use one thing to illustrate the transformation between good and bad

You missed a coach because you lost your wallet, but the coach had an accident on the way, and all the people on the bus were killed
You pick up a wallet and spend the money to buy a bicycle. When you have an accident, you spend more than what you pick up

Knowledge points of unit 1 and 2 of political compulsory 3 (cultural life) in Senior Two

Senior high school politics compulsory 3 "cultural life"
Lesson 1 culture and society
1. What is culture and its connotation
(1) Culture is a spiritual phenomenon
(2) Culture is a social phenomenon
(3) Everyone's cultural accomplishment is not innate
(4) People's spiritual activities are inseparable from material activities, and spiritual products are inseparable from material carriers
2. The power of culture
(1) Culture is a kind of social spiritual power, which can be transformed into material power in the process of people's understanding and transforming the world, and has a profound impact on social development
(2) The influence of culture is not only reflected in the growth of individuals, but also in the history of nations and countries
(3) Advanced and healthy culture promotes the development of society, while reactionary and decadent culture hinders the development of society
3. The relationship among economy, politics and culture
(1) Economy is the foundation, politics is the concentrated expression of economy, culture is the reflection of economy and politics. A certain culture is determined by a certain economy and politics
(2) Culture reacts on politics and economy and exerts great influence on them
Culture is not only ancient and modern and regional, but also advanced and backward, decadent
Different cultures have different influences on economy, politics and social development
Different kinds of culture have different effects on social development
4. Culture and economy blend with each other
In economic development, the role of science and technology is more and more important. In order to promote economic construction, it is more and more important to develop education, cultivate all kinds of high-quality talents and improve the quality of workers. The role of cultural productivity in the overall pattern of modern economy is more and more prominent
5. Culture and politics blend with each other
① At home, with the development of democracy and legal system, people need higher cultural accomplishment to participate in political life
② Internationally, with the development of multi polarization in the world, hegemonic countries, by means of cultural infiltration, try their best to promote their own values, in an attempt to weaken and replace other countries' national culture, so as to promote power politics. The worldwide struggle against hegemonism has become an important part of the contemporary international political struggle
③ In short, the integration of culture and politics is political culturalization and cultural politicization
6. Culture plays a more and more important role in the competition of comprehensive national strength
Culture plays a more and more important role in the competition of comprehensive national strength. The power of culture is deeply rooted in the vitality, creativity and cohesion of the nation, and has become an important symbol of comprehensive national strength
In the process of world multipolarization and economic globalization, developing countries in a weak position are facing severe challenges not only in economic development, but also in cultural development
7. How does China cope with the severe challenges in cultural development
China is the largest developing country in the world. In order to remain invincible in the fierce international competition, we must take cultural construction as an important strategic task of socialist modernization, firmly grasp the direction of advanced culture, vigorously carry forward the national spirit, and give priority to the development of education, science and technology, Provide correct direction guarantee, inexhaustible spiritual power and strong intellectual support for economic construction
Lesson 2 the influence of culture on people
8. The source of culture's influence on people
The influence of culture on people comes from specific cultural environment and various forms of cultural activities
9. What is the influence of culture on people?
Culture influences people's communication behavior and mode. Culture influences people's practice, cognition and thinking mode
10. The influence of culture on people
(1) Subtle influence:
① The influence of culture on people has the characteristics of subtle influence, which is not tangible or compulsory
Taking part in healthy and upward cultural activities can make people feel happy in spirit, edify in sentiment, and improve people's aesthetic level and moral quality. These cultural influences not only occur in a subtle way, but also are the result of people's conscious learning and active perception of cultural edification. Therefore, we should actively participate in healthy and upward cultural activities
② The influence of culture on people, even if it happens in a subtle way, is not always accepted passively and purposelessly. People's acceptance of healthy and upward cultural influence is often a process of conscious learning and active perception of cultural edification
(2) Far reaching and lasting impact:
Culture has a profound and lasting influence on people's ways of communication, thinking and life
11. World outlook, outlook on life and values have a profound and lasting impact on people's comprehensive quality and lifelong development
World outlook, outlook on life and values are the core and symbol of people's cultural literacy
A person's world outlook, outlook on life and values are formed in the process of long-term life and learning, and are the result of the interaction of various cultural factors. Once the world outlook, outlook on life and values are formed, they have a definite direction and have a far-reaching and lasting impact on people's comprehensive quality and lifelong development
12. Excellent culture shapes life (shaping people's performance and the influence of excellent culture)
(1) Excellent culture can enrich people's spiritual world
Excellent culture can enrich people's spiritual world. To actively participate in healthy and beneficial cultural activities and constantly enrich their own spiritual world is an important way to cultivate sound personality
(2) Excellent culture can enhance people's spiritual strength
The shaping of culture to people is also reflected in the fact that excellent culture can enhance people's spiritual strength. Its unique appeal and charisma make people deeply shocked and doubled. It becomes a torch to light people's hearts and a banner to lead people forward
(3) Excellent culture can promote people's all-round development
Excellent culture provides indispensable spiritual food for people's healthy growth and plays an irreplaceable role in promoting people's all-round development. People's all-round development is reflected in the comprehensive improvement of people's ideological and moral quality, scientific and cultural quality and health quality
13. The relationship between social development and human development
The process of social development and human development is mutual integration and promotion
The more all-round development of people, the more material and cultural wealth of society will be created, the more people's lives will be improved, and the more sufficient the material and cultural conditions are, the more people's all-round development will be promoted. The development level of social productive forces, economy and culture is a gradual and never-ending historical process, and the all-round development of people is also a gradual and never-ending process
With the development of society, more and more excellent cultures provide indispensable spiritual food for people's healthy growth and play an irreplaceable role in promoting people's all-round development
14. The mainstream of Chinese people's spiritual world
Since the reform and opening up, the unprecedented prosperity of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics has broadened people's horizons, promoted ideological emancipation and concept renewal, greatly strengthened people's awareness of self-reliance, competition, efficiency, democracy and the legal system, patriotism, collectivism, socialism, scientific civilization, pioneering and enterprising, healthy and upward thinking and morality, Become the mainstream of the spiritual world of our people
15. The position of science and technology and education in cultural competition
(1) The index of science and technology development has become an important index to measure the comprehensive national strength of each country
(2) Science and technology competition, in the final analysis, is the competition of talents, and the growth of talents depends on education
(3) No matter in terms of improving economic strength, national defense strength or enhancing national cohesion, education is in a basic position. Education plays a leading, overall and basic role in modernization
(4) Science and technology strength and national education level, as an important indicator of comprehensive national strength and social civilization, are increasingly valued by countries
16. What is the economic and cultural significance of developing cultural industry
Cultural diversity and cultural communication
17. The important position of national festivals and cultural heritage:
(1) National festivals:
It is the long-term accumulation of a nation's history and culture
To celebrate national festivals is not only a concentrated display of national culture, but also a concentrated expression of national emotions
(2) Cultural Heritage:
Status and significance: cultural heritage is an important symbol of the historical and cultural achievements of a country and a nation. Cultural heritage is not only of great significance to the study of the evolution of human civilization, but also plays a unique role in showing the diversity of world culture. They are the common cultural wealth of mankind. We should protect cultural heritage
18. Culture is national as well as world (relationship)
(1) The world culture is composed of the cultures of different nations and countries
(2) The differences of economic, political, historical, geographical and other factors among different nationalities determine the differences between the cultures of different nationalities (that is, the nationality of Culture). Therefore, culture is national (that is, each nationality has its own cultural personality and characteristics)
(the world culture is composed of the cultures of all nations and countries. Because the social practice of all nations in the world has its commonness and universal laws, the cultures of different nations that have emerged and developed in practice also have commonness and universal laws, that is, the cosmopolitan nature of culture. Therefore, culture is also cosmopolitan.)
(4) Culture is national, each nation has its own cultural personality and characteristics; culture is world, each national culture is an indispensable color in the world culture. For human society, the important role of cultural diversity is just as essential as biodiversity for maintaining ecological balance
19. The significance of respecting cultural diversity (why)
(1) Respect